Teamwork - Page Three

At the dump site, there were two Putties left.  Trini and Kimberly came up with an idea and used the empty bins to finish off the last two Putties.  Inside the Command Center, Alpha 5 panic when the viewing globe showed Goldar was in Angel Grove.  Zordon stated this was a dangerous turn of events.  Zordon instructed Alpha 5 to contact the girls and tell them to morph, and try to hook up with the others.  Working together as a team was their only hope.  Kimberly and Trini morphed.  Pink Ranger and Yellow Ranger battle more Putties and Goldar.  Goldar struck Pink Ranger down with his sword.  Yellow Ranger came up from behind and held Goldar back.  Yellow Ranger told Pink Ranger to go get the others for help.  Inside the Command Center, the viewing globe show the Rangers' were having their toughest situation yet.  Zordon thought perhaps now was the time to reveal the power weapons.  Red Ranger, Black Ranger, and Blue Ranger were having a difficult time against Minotaur.  It was made worse by Baboo and Squatt throwing boulders down on them.  Rita was very pleased.  She threw down her wand.  Minotaur was now giant size.  Baboo and Squatt were delighted, the three Rangers were trying to avoid being stomp on. 














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