The Green Candle, Part II - Page Two

Goldar gives Cyclops his orders.  Cyclops is to go down to Earth and impersonate Megazord, sending the Power Rangers into battle.  Squatt thinks the Power Rangers will be confused.  Goldar adds, meanwhile the green candle will burn.  Rita asks Cyclops if he understands his orders.  Cyclops does and is eager to battle the Power Rangers.  Goldar sends Cyclops down.

Kimberly leads Billy, Jason, Zack, and Trini to the place where Tommy was captured.  Trini is eager to get to work and set up the decoders.  Billy works on his as Trini and Zack work on the other decoder.  Close by, Skull and Bulk are making monkey sounds as they walk through very tall grass.  Skull notices the five teens on top of the hill, which Skull claims is theirs.  Bulk suggests they see what they are up to.  On top of the hill, Trini checks with Billy to make sure she has the decoder set up properly.  Zack is working on the other decoder.  Billy instructs Trini and Zack to line up the decoders exactly.  Bulk and Skull climb the very steep hill.  Bulk begins to struggle and tells Skull to give him a hand.  Skull is not happy, but he leans his shoulder into Bulk's rump and pushes him up the hill.  At the top of the hill, Billy double checks the decoders.  He thinks they are ready.  Zack suggests they fire them up.  Before they do, Kimberly asks her friends if they hear that really gross sound?  Billy, Jason, and Zack hear it as well and reply yeah.  Bulk and Skull make it to the top of the hill, out of breath and with lots of grunts.  Bulk tells them they are in our private park!  Skull backs him up.  Billy walks over to Skull and Bulk and tells them, actually this is a public park, anyone can visit.  Billy thinks he has the matter cleared up.  Skull replies, anyone but you Brainic.  So get going!  Trini tells Skull and Bulk to leave them alone.  They have work to do.  Skull notices the decoders and asks Bulk what are those?  Bulk doesn't know, but he is eager to find out.  Zack tells them they can look, but don't touch.  Bulk becomes angry - no one tells me what to do!  Bulk charges towards Zack.  Zack quickly steps out of the way.  Zack has moved in front of a trash can.  Bulk turns around and charges towards him once more.  Zack steps away and Bulk lands, head first, into the trash can.  The trash can tips over and rolls down the hill.  Skull quickly races down the hill to help his friends.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Jason watch from the top of the hill.  The can stops rolling when it crashes into a tree.  Skull helps Bulk out of the trash can, asking him if he is okay?














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