The Spit Flower

October 19, 1993

Written by:  Peggy Nicoll

Directed by:  David Blyth

Kimberly and Tommy enter the Youth Center with their arms full of supplies.  The place is empty except for Ernie.  Ernie walks over to them.  Ernie tells them he has to step out for about an hour and pick up some supplies.  But you can work on your float while I'm gone.  Kimberly thanks Ernie.  Ernie walks out as Kimberly and Tommy walk over to Kimberly's model of her float.  Kimberly still can't believe that a float she designed is going to be in the big parade.  Tommy tells her it deserves to be, it's awesome.  Kimberly thinks it is so cool to be a part of a parade that promotes world peace.  Bulk & Skull stand in the doorway.  Kimberly asks them what are they doing here?  Bulk & Skull walk over as Bulk has spotted the float.  Bulk notes it's a cute, little model float.  Skull mimics Bulk's words in a baby voice.  Bulk gives him a look and Skull shuts up.  Bulk puts his head into the flowers as he takes a sniff.  Tommy tells him to back off.  Bulk's allergies kick in.  Bulk goes over to Skull and sneezes into Skull's bandana, which Kimberly finds gross.  Bulk drags Skull out of the Youth Center.  Kimberly and Tommy laugh at the two.

Rita has been watching the Youth Center.  Baboo and Squatt are with her.  Rita tells them she just might have a float of her own to enter in that parade.  Baboo tells her they make them out of flowers.  Baboo and Squatt start fighting.  Rita vows they will have no world peace while I'm around.

Kimberly and Tommy are putting the finishing touches on the model float.  Tommy thinks the flowers Kimberly is working on are cool.  Kimberly tells him the best part is they are going to recycle all the flowers from the parade this year.  Tommy asks her how do they do that?  Kimberly replies that it's very simple.  They collect them all and turn them into potpourri.  Suddenly, several Putties arrive.  Kimberly is working so hard, she doesn't notice them, but Tommy does.  Tommy gets Kimberly's attention by telling her there's trouble.  Kimberly turns around and is very frighten to see the Putties.  A Putty grabs her arm and Kimberly tries to yank herself free.

Kimberly frees herself.  Kimberly and Tommy battle the Putties, except for one.  One Putty is wrecking the model float.  After a few minutes, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Zack enter the Youth Center.  They immediately see the Putties and leap into the battle.  As the six teens battle the Putties, the Putties suddenly vanish.














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