The Spit Flower - Page Four
Blue Ranger exclaims they are draining our energy. Spit Flower laughs at them.
The five Rangers continue to struggle against the ferocious blossoms. Pink Ranger can barely move. Yellow Ranger exclaims they are picking away at all our strength. Spit Flower walks over to them. The five Rangers manage to get up and start battling Spit Flower with their power weapons. It is a difficult fight for the five Rangers. Rita has been watching the battle from her balcony. Rita exclaims I have them now! Rita throws down her wand to make Spit Flower grow. Spit Flower grows to giant size. Red Ranger exclaims we got to get rid of these flowers. The five Rangers start yanking the various flowers off of them. Spit Flower blasts them once more and the five Rangers are knocked off their feet. Meanwhile, Tommy is working hard at Billy's garage. Tommy's communicator goes off. It is Zordon. Zordon tells him the Power Rangers need him in Angel Grove park. Tommy morphs and teleports out. In the park, Spit Flower is about to step on the five Rangers when Green Ranger arrives. Green Ranger uses his Dragon Dagger and fires at Spit Flower. Spit Flower is knocked off his feet. Green Ranger races over to the rest of the Rangers and makes sure they are okay. Spit Flower gets back up and uses his breath to pull in hundreds of flowers. The Rangers have been watching Spit Flower. Red Ranger makes the decision that they need Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Green Ranger summons Dragonzord. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger summon their zords. The zords all arrive and form Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. The five Rangers leap into Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battles Spit Flower, first using his drill.