To Flea Or Not To Flea - Page Six

Megazord is formed in tank mode.  Fighting Flea uses his antennas to fire at Megazord.  Megazord fires back with all canons.  Megazord goes into battle mode.  Fighting Flea and Megazord walk towards each other.  Fighting Flea states, I've had enough of this.  You're through Power Rangers!  Fighting Flea and Megazord fight each other.  Fighting Flea lands a kick on the Megazord.  Megazord lands a punch on Fighting Flea.  They grab a hold of each other and then Fighting Flea manages to break free.  Fighting Flea charges towards Megazord.  Megazord walks towards Fighting Flea.  Once more they fight each other.  Megazord lands several powerful blows to Fighting Flea.   Eventually Fighting Flea is knocked to the ground.  Fighting Flea leaps into the air, flies towards Megazord, and lands a strike against Megazord.  Fighting Flea does this several times.  Fighting Flea then blasts Megazord.  Megazord is hit hard.  Fighting Flea jumps and down and exclaims, I'm going to tear you Rangers apart!  Fighting Flea charges towards the Megazord.  Red Ranger summons the power sword.  Red Ranger declares, you've had it flea head!  Megazord strikes and destroys Fighting Flea with the power sword.  At the Moon Palace, Rita tells Baboo and Squatt, you two have had it.  Rita walks away from them and continues, just when I come up with a perfect plan, you two do nothing but foul it up.  Fools!  Squatt and Baboo exchange puzzled looks.

Billy, Kimberly, Trini, Jason, and Zack gather around the dog and pet it as Ernie looks on.  A woman enters the Juice Bar and is very happy to see her dog Pierre.  The woman calls out to Pierre, calling him a naughty little thing.  Pierre goes running towards her and she scoops the dog up, telling him, mommy was so worried.  Jason asks, this is your dog?  The woman replies, yes.  Which one of you wonderful children found my little angel?   














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