Bloom Of Doom

September 17, 1994

Written by:  Cheryl Saban

Directed by:   John Stewart

A big crowd from Angel Grove High School is at the Youth Center.  Several students have booths set up for various clubs.  Zack has a booth set up, Billy has a booth set up, as does Bulk and Skull.  Trini's booth is the run away hit as a mob gathers around to sign up for her volleyball club.  No one shows an interest in Kimberly's plant club.  Kimberly notices Trini's success and can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. 

Lord Zedd is watching and decides to take advantage of Kimberly's jealousy with a cactus that once Kimberly's pricks her finger, will cause her feelings of jealousy towards Trini to intensified.  Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo all like the idea.

Zack gives a demonstration of his club while Mr. Caplan walks up with several papers.  Mr. Caplan is confused as some of the booths are set up at the Youth Center, and some are at the auditorium, the paperwork is messed up.  Kimberly is still upset that no one has joined her club, she knew people were interested in it.  Kimberly talks to her cactus and Bulk and Skull make fun of her.  Kimberly walks away from her booth.

Lord Zedd impatiently asks, where's the jealously potion?  Goldar walks in with it and replies, right here.  Goldar walks up to a Putty holding a cactus plant.  Lord Zedd instructs Goldar to pour the potion onto the cactus flower.  Goldar does so.  Lord Zedd tells the Putty to go and switch this alternate plant for Kimberly's.














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