Bloom Of Doom - Page Two
The Putty makes some strange sounds and then vanishes. Lord Zedd laughs. Squatt and Baboo are hiding as they watch what is going on.
Kimberly sits at the counter and Ernie listens sympathetically to Kimberly's problems. While Kimberly is away, a Putty disguised as a human, switches cactuses. The Putty replaces Kimberly's cactus with one that has been given a jealously potion. Kimberly walks back to her booth and pricks her finger on the cactus. As Lord Zedd had planned, Kimberly's feelings of jealousy have intensified. Kimberly walks over to Trini's booth and chews her out for hogging all the students. Trini tells Kimberly that is not her fault, and Zack and Billy, who have walked over, are puzzled over Kimberly's behavior. Not satisfied with telling off Trini, Kimberly then gives Bulk and Skull a hard time - not believing people would actually sign up for their club. Skull reveals that they had to offer free lunch as well as trying to find the identities of the Power Rangers. Tommy and Jason, sitting close by, are puzzled by Kimberly's behavior as well. Kimberly walks away and Ernie tells Tommy that maybe he should give her a flower to make her feel better.
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