Page Five
On his Red Machine, Tsuyoshi pursues Gold Mask. The Zolders throw bombs at Tsuyoshi. Tsuyoshi does his best to outmaneuver the bombs, but he is eventually knocked off his Red Machine. Tsuyoshi is quickly surrounded by Gold Mask and several Zolders. Tsuyoshi fights the Zolders as Gold Mask throws his weapon towards him. Tsuyoshi avoids being hit by the weapon. The weapon returns to Gold Mask. Gold Mask quickly runs towards Tsuyoshi and holds his weapon above Tsuyoshi. Before he can do anything, Ao Ranger, Ki Ranger, Momo Ranger, and Mido Ranger arrive. Tsuyoshi leaps into the air and transforms into Aka Ranger. Furious Gold Mask asks, who are you? The five triumphantly respond, Gorenger! The Gorengers immediately began to battle the Zolders. Aka Ranger takes out his Red Vute and battles and defeats several Zolders with it. Ao Ranger uses his Blue Cherry against the Zolders. Mido Ranger uses his Midomerang against the Zolders. They defeat several Zolders with their weapons. Ki Ranger uses his physical strength to defeat the Zolders he is against. As he fights, he asks the riddle that is still puzzling him. When the Zolder answers a trump, Ki Ranger is very happy but it doesn't prevent him from destroying the Zolder. Gold Mask is about to strike Momo Ranger when she asks him to wait. Momo Ranger removes her weapon - Pink Mirror and uses it against Gold Mask. The battle continues. Momo Ranger calls out a warning to Aka Ranger and he turns around and defeats the Zolder with his Red Vute. The Zolders are soon defeated and Gold Mask runs away. Aka Ranger states it time for Gorenger Storm! Momo Ranger swirls and a silver ball appears in her hands. She kicks it over to Mido Ranger. Mido Ranger kicks it over to Ki Ranger. Ki Ranger bumps his head against the ball and it heads towards Ao Ranger. Ao Ranger kicks the towards Aka Ranger. Aka Ranger jumps into the air and kicks the ball towards Gold Mask, hitting Gold Mask and destroying him. On their machines, Tsuyoshi, Peggy, Kenji, Akira, and Daita drove along the road, knowing their battle with Black Cross Army has only just begun.
Tsuyoshi, Akira, and Peggy are in the Gorenger Secret Base. Daita and Kenji enter as the Commander is giving their instructions. Professor Kudo was attacked and abducted by Samurai Mask. Their mission is to save Professor Kudo and make sure Black Cross Army does not get his equipment. Tsuyoshi leads the group into the adjoining room and they start to get onto their Machines. Daita notices a door and asks about it. Tsuyoshi tells him they can figure that out later and the group heads out. Once in the city, the teams splits up. Tsuyoshi, Peggy, and Akira search an area and are soon surrounded by Zolders. Samurai Mask is there as well and he laughs at them. Akira recognizes him as the one who had attacked his branch. Samurai Mask gives the order to attack. Tsuyoshi, Peggy, and Akira quickly transform into Gorenger. Aka Ranger fights several Zolders. He uses his Red Vute on the Zolders as he battles them. Momo Ranger lands several kicks on a Zolder. Ao Ranger battles another batch of Zolders. Samurai Mask shoots arrows at the group as they fight. Ao Ranger manages to avoid being hit, but his boot is soon stuck between some rocks. Samurai Mask keeps shooting arrows. This time the arrows hits Ao Ranger in the arm. Aka Ranger battles more Zolders. Samurai Mask tries to shoot arrows at Aka Ranger, but Aka Ranger leaps out of the way. Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute to wrap around Samurai Mask's neck. Samurai Mask struggles and eventually frees himself of the Red Vute. Samurai Mask and Aka Ranger fight each other. Momo Ranger spots the fight. Momo Ranger calls out a warning to Aka Ranger and then throws her Earrings Bomb at Samurai Mask. Samurai Mask appears in the smoke of the explosion and laughs at them and then vanishes. Aka Ranger and Momo Ranger walk over to Ao Ranger. Momo Ranger asks Ao Ranger if he is alright? Ao Ranger replies that he is, although it is obvious he is in pain. Ao Ranger cruses Samurai Mask and they start to head back. Momo Ranger notices the dark outline of something on the ground and asks, what could that be? Aka Ranger replies, it's a human that got hit with the Sand Beam. At the Gorenger Secret Base, Peggy bandages up Akira's arm, telling him to bare with it. Akira pretends the wound doesn't bother him at all. Akira wants to be the one to take down Samurai Mask. Tsuyoshi tells him to simmer down and reminds him that their mission is to safely recover Professor Kudo. Tsuyoshi places his hand on Akira's arm hard and Akira cries out in pain. Later, Tsuyoshi and Peggy head out again. Tsuyoshi drives his Machine, with Peggy riding behind him, as they search. Tsuyoshi stops his Machine and they both look around the area. Spotting nothing, they continue on their way. Tsuyoshi stops his Machine several times, as he and Peggy look around and then continue to the next stop. Tsuyoshi's Communication Device goes off. It's the EAGLE call signal. They decide to hurry back. Suddenly they spot a Zolder on the road, stumbling, ahead of them. As Tsuyoshi stops, the Zolder falls forward and reveals the arrow in his back. Tsuyoshi and Peggy quickly get off the Machine and hurry over to the face down Zolder. As they roll him onto his side, the Zolder tries to speak to them. He tells them, three...kilometers it falls....and...eight... Tsuyoshi is confused as to what the Zolder is trying to tell him. The Zolder tells him, rocket...the stars...desert! The Zolder dies. Tsuyoshi notices the EAGLE tag on the Zolder and Tsuyoshi realizes it's EAGLE secret operative, 002. Peggy notes he was a member of our former branch. Suddenly Tsuyoshi and Peggy are surrounded by several Zolders and they fight them. Above them is Samurai Mask with the Sand Beam and he calls out wait. Tsuyoshi and Peggy stop fighting. They are taken prisoner and taken to Black Cross Army Base. Along the hall, Tsuyoshi glances into a small window and sees Professor Kudo working. Tsuyoshi and Peggy are thrown into a cell. Samurai Mask stands in front of the cell and tells them, shed your tears, if you wish. For if you do, your compatriots may come to your aid! Samurai Mask laughs and walks away. Tsuyoshi realizes that Samurai Mask means to gather them all and then use the Sand Beam. Peggy notes they have been caught in a trap. Tsuyoshi repeats the words EAGLE secret operative 002 told them. Peggy thinks that operative meant that Black Cross Army plans to send the Sand Beam to satellite. Tsuyoshi agrees - they intend to turn Earth into a desert. They hear a small sound and turn around and see Koichi is in the cell with them, crying. Very quickly, Koichi is sitting on Peggy's lap as she tells Tsuyoshi, what horrible people to kidnap a child to threaten his parent. Zolders enter their cell and yank them up on their feet. Samurai Mask tells them the time for your execution has come. Tsuyoshi, Peggy, and Koichi are lead outside by Samurai Mask and several Zolders. Professor Kudo is outside as well, and already tied to a pole. Koichi starts screaming for his father as soon as he sees him. Samurai Mask gives the instructions to kill them all. Professor Kudo is upset and tells Samurai Mask that he had said he would spare Koichi. Samurai Mask tells him, once a human enters our base, none may come out alive! Professor Kudo pleads for the life of his child. Samurai Mask strikes him with his weapon. Professor Kudo asks his son to forgive him. Tsuyoshi's turns on his Communication Device and it begins to flash. A couple of Zolders bring out the Sand Beam. Samurai Mask takes a look at the Sand Beam and tells the Zolder to fire it. The Zolder is taking aim when Variblune arrives above them. A small knife drops out of Tsuyoshi's sleeve and he uses it to cut loose the ropes binding him. Very quickly, Tsuyoshi, Peggy, Professor Kudo and Koichi are freed. Angry Samurai Mask shoves the Zolder aside and fires the Sand Beam at the four. When the smoke clears, the four are gone. Samurai Mask is very surprised and looks around. Above him, stands Tsuyoshi, Peggy, Koichi, and Professor Kudo. Samurai Mask sends the Zolders after them. Tsuyoshi and Peggy immediately begin fighting the Zolders as Professor Kudo gets to safety with his son, Koichi. Tsuyoshi grabs a hold of Zolder and throws it down into the valley. Variblune lowers a clear tube with a small cage. The cage encloses Professor Kudo and Koichi. Akira releases more air pressure, and the air pressure sends Professor Kudo and Koichi up and into the safety of Variblune. Tsuyoshi and Peggy defeat the Zolders. As Variblune flies away, Samurai Mask aims the Sand Beam towards Tsuyoshi and Peggy. Tsuyoshi shouts out a warning and he and Peggy take cover as the Sand Beam hits the side of the mountain. Aka Ranger and Momo Ranger walk out of the smoke. Samurai Mask is surprised. Suddenly Ki Ranger, Ao Ranger, and Mido Ranger appear over them. Aka Ranger and Momo Ranger activates their Birdies. They shoot into the air and soon land beside the rest of the Gorengers. Samurai Mask is furious. The Gorengers jump into the valley and quickly surround Samurai Mask. Samurai Mask angrily asks, who are you?! Aka Ranger responds, Aka Ranger! The rest of the Gorengers also respond with their names, Ao Ranger, Ki Ranger, Momo Ranger, and Mido Ranger! Aka Ranger states, the five of us, together are...GORENGER!! Samurai Mask leaps forward and Ao Ranger stops him. More Zolders arrive. Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute to battle the Zolders. The Red Vute wraps around a Zolder's neck and Aka Ranger flips the Zolder to the ground. Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute against another Zolder. When it's wrapped around the neck of the Zolder, Aka Ranger calls out to Mido Ranger. Mido Ranger gets his Midomerang ready. When Aka Ranger flings the Zolder, Mido Ranger throws his Midomerang towards the Zolder. It hits the Zolder and knocks it off the cliff. Ki Ranger uses his impressive strength and Judo moves to defeat the Zolders he is fighting against. Momo Ranger lands several chops against a Zolder and then a powerful kick. Ao Ranger is fighting several Zolders as Samurai Mask approaches him. Aka Ranger flips over to where Ao Ranger is. Aka Ranger and Ao Ranger fight Samurai Mask. Aka Ranger lands a kick that knocks Samurai Mask down the hill. Two Zolders race over to the Sand Beam as Samurai Mask tries to outrun Ao Ranger and Mido Ranger. Momo Ranger uses her Earrings Bomb and throws it at the Zolders by the Sand Beam, causing the Zolders to blow up. Aka Ranger fights another group of Zolders. Aka Ranger lands several chops against a Zolder and then flips him over. Momo Ranger lands a powerful kick on another Zolder. Ao Ranger lands a powerful kick on a Zolder. Ki Ranger flips over a Zolder as Mido Ranger fights another group of Zolders. On top of the hill, Ao Ranger is fighting Samurai Mask. Aka Ranger calls out to Ao Ranger, and Ao Ranger flips over to where Aka Ranger and Mido Ranger are standing. Ki Ranger and Momo Ranger leap over to the rest of the Gorengers. They get ready for the Gorenger Storm attack. Momo Ranger swirls around and a silver ball appears in her hands. She throws it to Mido Ranger, who throws it to Ki Ranger, who throws it to Ao Ranger. Ao Ranger throws it high in the air for Aka Ranger. Aka Ranger leaps up into the air and kicks the ball towards Samurai Mask. Gorenger Storm hits Samurai Mask. In the smoke, Samurai Mask tells the Gorengers they have not beaten him yet. I'll create a desert for you from space! Farewell! The ground begins to shake and a missile appears from underneath the ground. Aka Ranger tells the rest, the missile has the Sand Beam device on it. Momo Ranger pulls out an Earring bomb, and tells Ao Ranger to use it. The missile launches into the sky. Ao Ranger fixes the bomb onto one of his arrows, uses his Blue Cherry and fires at the missile. It hits the missile and destroys it and Samurai Mask. After the battle, Tsuyoshi, Akira, Daita, Peggy, and Kenji ride on their Machines, knowing they had stopped Samurai Mask's Desertification Plan. They also know there will be more terrible plans from the Black Cross Army.
Tsuyoshi, Akira, Peggy, and Kenji, and Tsuyoshi are at the Gorengers Secret Base when Daita enters. Akira signals to Daita to be quiet as they are listening to the Commander. The Commander informs them the enemy has developed a new bomb. The blast impact reaches 500 meters underground. Their mission is to steal the detonation device from Black Cross Army's laboratory. The Commander sends the microfilm of their laboratory that was sent from Agent 003. Tsuyoshi takes the paper and microfilm from the slot. He looks at the microfilm as Daita gets closer to the intercom and shouts Commander! The Commander asks, what is it? Daita asks if he is actually Master Gon? The Commander answers that doesn't matter right now! Daita tells him, you don't have to hide it from us. Tsuyoshi decides to head out and takes Daita with him. In the dark, Tsuyoshi and Daita reach the building of Black Cross Army Base. They watch carefully from behind a tree as they spot a Zolder patrolling. Once the Zolder is gone, the two head into the building. Once inside, Tsuyoshi and Daita and walk very carefully. They soon spot Zolders and use black sheets, that make them look like they are part of the wall. Unaware the two Zolders walk pass them. Once the Zolders are gone, Tsuyoshi and Daita remove their sheets and quickly bunch them up and continue on their way. Tsuyoshi almost walks pass a small room with Zolders inside it. He quickly stops. Tsuyoshi and Daita take a quick peek inside the small room. They see the two Zolders sitting at a control panel. The screen shows the image of the safe and a Zolder patrolling. The Zolders are instructed to patrol every three minutes. Cautiously Tsuyoshi crosses over to the other side. When it's safe, he signals Daita to cross over. At the bottom of the stairs is a Zolder. Confidently Daita walks pass the Zolder, stating that he is off for the day. The Zolder is taken aback and tells Daita to wait. Tsuyoshi comes behind the Zolder and knocks it out. Tsuyoshi and Daita continue down another corridor. Tsuyoshi stops Daita when he spots security alarms on the lower part of the walls. Carefully Tsuyoshi goes over the alarm. Daita crawls beneath the alarm. They cautiously peer down another corridor. Daita takes out a motorized mouse and sets it on the floor. The Zolder spots it and heads towards it. Tsuyoshi knocks the Zolder out. They are almost at the safe when Tsuyoshi stops Daita. There is a security camera above. Daita takes out a device that scrambles the signal on the security camera. Tsuyoshi sets up a small screen and uses a small camera to project an image of the safe. Daita removes his device from the security camera. They carefully walks towards the real safe. Before Daita opens the safe, Tsuyoshi cuts wires to another alarm system.
The Crimson Sun! The Invincible Gorengers
The Blue Earth! The Deadly Desertification Plan
Big Counterattack! A Yellow Whirlwind
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