Wild West Rangers, Part I
May 8, 1995
Written by: Mark Litton
Directed by: Armand Garabidian
Aisha and Kimberly are sitting at a table at the Youth Center. Rocky, Billy, and Adam are sitting at the counter. Tommy walks in with a cactus plant. He walks up to the guys at the counter. Adam asks Tommy, what's that? Tommy explains that it's a cactus his dad brought back from Arizona. Billy recognizes it as a cactal vocifera spinoctera, a very rare type of cactus. Adam is surprised that Tommy is into plants. Tommy chuckles and replies, actually it's for Kimberly. She's been looking for something really special to finish her garden. Tommy walks over to the table and the guys follow him over. Tommy tells Kimberly to close her eyes, he's got a surprise. Kimberly loves surprises and covers her eyes. Tommy instructs her to open them, but there is nothing. Tommy laughs and tells Kimberly he was just kidding and gives her the cactus. Kimberly is impressed and asks Tommy where he got it? Tommy replies, Arizona and asks if she likes it? Kimberly thinks it's incredible and knows exactly where she is going to put it. She gives Tommy a kiss on the cheek and thanks him. No one notices the strange lightening that takes the cactus. A few moments later, Kimberly notices that the cactus is missing. She thinks her friends are playing another joke on her. But none of her friends know what happened to the cactus. Rocky notices the strange green goo on the table and points it out to his friends. Billy picks up some of the goo. He has no idea what it is. Billy thinks they should take it back to the Command Center and analyze it. Tommy suggests they get going. Billy uses a napkin to take the rest of the goo off the table. Billy, Tommy, Kimberly, Adam, Aisha, and Rocky walk over to the locker area of the Youth Center. Aisha, Adam, Billy, Rocky, and Tommy teleport out. Kimberly is left behind and she is puzzled. Kimberly tries to contact Tommy via her communicator. A strange glow appears behind Kimberly and she vanishes within it.
Aisha, Billy, Tommy, Rocky, and Adam arrive in the Command Center. They immediately notice that Kimberly is missing. Tommy asks Alpha 5, what happened to Kimberly? Alpha 5 is worried and replies, her teleport signal accidentally got sweep into a time hole. Rocky is puzzled, a time hole? Billy explains, a tear in the fabric of time. If someone falls through it, they could end up in the past or the future. Adam, Rocky, Aisha, Tommy, and Billy walk over to the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows the time hole. Billy comments that for some reason, this time hole is located near the lockers at the Youth Center.
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