Wild West Rangers, Part I - Page Five

Kimberly thinks she needs some air.  Ernst responds by telling everyone to give her some room.  Kimberly gets up and stumbles out.  She is stunned by what she sees outside.  It's a western town, est. 1880.  All the people are dressed in western gear and give her strange looks.  Kimberly can't believe it.  Kimberly walks down the dirt road, a little dazed by what she is seeing.

At the Moon Palace, Lord Zedd states, we must begin before the time hole closes.  Goldar agrees and tells Lord Zedd, this is your most brilliant plan.  Rita Repulsa laughs.  Lord Zedd uses his staff to send Needlenose on it's way.  Goldar asks about the Pink Ranger?  Lord Zedd replies, you're going back in time to destroy her so that she will not derail my plans.

In the Command Center, Billy has located Kimberly.  He tells his friends that Kimberly is in Angel Grove, just in 1880.  Tommy is eager to go rescue Kimberly.  The alarms go off.  Alpha 5 tells them that Goldar and his goons are headed straight for the time hole.  Aisha, Tommy, Rocky, Adam, and Billy walk over to the viewing globe.  It shows Goldar, Needlenose, and several Putties walking towards the time hole.  Billy concludes the monster was created by Lord Zedd from Kimberly's cactus.  Zordon warns the teens if Zedd's monster destroys Angel Grove in 1880, it will alter Angel Grove's future and all of you will disappear because you have never been born.  Alpha 5 adds, you must stop Zedd's monster from reaching the time hole!  Tommy agrees.  If the monster goes back in time, no one will be able to stop it.  We have to get there before it does. 














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