Wild West Rangers, Part I - Page Six
Aisha asks, what's going to happen to Kimberly? Adam adds, we just can't leave her there. Tommy replies, we just have to hope she's okay until we can get to her. Adam, Rocky, Tommy, Aisha, and Billy morph and teleport out.
Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, White Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Black Ranger arrive and face down Goldar, Needlenose, and several Putties. White Ranger tells Goldar to forget about going back in time, your time here has run out! Goldar shouts back that they are no match for them! White Ranger threatens to turn them all into mulch. Several more Putties arrive. Black Ranger notes they are surrounded. White Ranger warns them to keep their eyes open. Goldar gloats, things don't look so rosy now, do they?! Time for cactus to practice it's stinging surprise! This is such a glorious moment! White Ranger warns if they can't block Goldar's path, their future is doomed. Goldar threatens the Rangers, I hope you are prepared to be weeded out! Each Ranger battles a group of Putties.
Miss Alicia, William, Abraham, and Rocko step out of the saloon and see that Kimberly is still wandering along the street confused. They walk up to her and Abraham asks Kimberly if everything is alright? Instead of answering, Kimberly asks them if it is really 1880? Miss Alicia confirms that it is. Kimberly is blown away and tells them she needs to sit down. They all walk with her over to a bench. One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch appear from behind some crates.
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