The Human Condition - Page Nine

Admiral Malkor tells the Rangers, my ship will crush what's left of your city.

Inside his office, Mr. Burley  is still watching the spaceship through his telescope.  He notes, with some alarm, it's getting closer.  It's definitely getting closer.  He becomes more alarm when the spaceship enters the Earth's atmosphere.

The Rangers also spot the spaceship.  Black Ranger becomes alarmed.  He's going to land the ship!  Admiral Malkor tells them, now you see that all pathetic humans have no chance and you will bow down to me!  Red Ranger tells this team, it's now or never guys.  Time to summon the Gosei Great Megazord.  The Rangers summon their mechazords.  They arrive and Gosei Great Megazord is quickly formed.

Red Ranger asks his team, are we ready to do this?  They respond with yes!  Gosei Great Megazord charges towards Admiral Malkor.  Admiral Malkor scoffs at them.  Such toys!  Gosei Great Megazord and Admiral Malkor fight as the Warstar Spaceship hovers over them.  Admiral Malkor strikes Gosei Great Megazord with his ax several times.  Admiral Malkor knocks Gosei Great Megazord backwards and Gosei Great Megazord falls to the ground.  Red Ranger tells his team, we have to neutralize that ax!

Vrak comments, only a few more minutes until total annihilation.

Gosei Great Megazord is back on it's feet.  Red Ranger shouts, that ship is about to crush us!  Gosei Great Megazord launches it's multi zord attack against Admiral Malkor.  Red Ranger exclaims, our zords will finish him!  Instead, Admiral Malkor powers himself up and destroys the zords.  Admiral Malkor shouts, now I will show you no mercy!  Black Ranger shouts, he just vaporized the zords!














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