The Human Condition - Page Six

Suddenly Admiral Malkor appears in the sky.  He states, people of Earth.  I am Admiral Malkor.  This planet now belongs to the insectoids.  Soon there will be nothing left of your world. 

More buildings crumple up and float into the sky.  Admiral Malkor stands on top of a building and watches with satisfaction.  Their world crumples in the wake of my power.  The Rangers leap onto the building and land behind Admiral Malkor.  Red Ranger gives a warning to his team, be ready for anything.  Mockingly Admiral Malkor asks, who can that be?  Surely not the Power Rangers.  Red Ranger shouts, turn around and face us!  Admiral Malkor laughs.  Didn't you hear the world is coming to an end?  Black Ranger responds, no, we missed that!  Black Ranger and Yellow Ranger leap into the air and strike Admiral Malkor.  Admiral Malkor's eyes light up and power surrounds him, knocking Black Ranger and Yellow Ranger away from him.  They hit the pavement hard.  Blue Ranger leaps over them.  He pulls out his Seashower Power Card and activates it.  The attack heads towards Admiral Malkor.  Admiral Malkor scoops the water into his palm, creating a sphere of water.  Admiral Malkor comments, interesting, before throwing it back to the Rangers.  The Rangers are hit hard with their own attack.  Pink Ranger and Red Ranger leap through the attack.  They fire at Admiral Malkor with their Phoenix Shot and Dragon Sword.  Both Rangers fight Admiral Malkor with their mega weapons.  Admiral Malkor grabs Red Ranger by the throat and then tosses him towards the rest of the Rangers.  The Rangers gather together and fire their Mega Blasters at Admiral Malkor.  Admiral Malkor easily blocks the blast.  He comments, better but not good enough.  Admiral Malkor blasts the Rangers off their feet. As the Rangers struggle to get up, Admiral Malkor uses his planet strike against them.  The Rangers are knocked off the roof.  They land hard on the street below.  Blue Ranger tells the rest, my Power Card worked, but he's still too strong.  Red Ranger tells them, we're not finished yet.  From the top of the building, Admiral Malkor tells them, oh you're finished.  You just don't know it yet.  Your pathetic weapons pale in comparison to the invincibility of my powers, which will soon disintegrate your civilization.  Now you're simply a source of amusement.  More building crumple up into the sky.  Trains crumple up and vanish as well.

From the Warstar Spaceship, Vrak tells Admiral Malkor, per your orders I beamed you and the Rangers to a perfect location, where you can all witness their world fall apart.                     














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