A Bad Reflection On You - Page Seven

Mr. Caplan walks into the classroom and sees the teens sitting at their desks.  Bulk and Skull follow Mr. Caplan in and they are confused by what they see.  Bulk asks them, how did you do that?  Zack replies, it's magic.  Kimberly adds, with mirrors like this one.  The bell rings.  Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zack start to gather their things.  Mr. Caplan tells them, he hopes they all learned a lesson.  With a chuckle, Jason replies, we sure did.  Mr. Caplan faces Bulk and Skull and tells them he will see them tomorrow.  They wave him away.  As the teens file past them, they try to get them to tell them how they did it.  But they get no answers.  After the teens leave, Bulk and Skull look at each other and shrug.





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