A Bad Reflection On You - Page Three
Skull walks over to Bulk and stares longingly at all the food. Bulk tells him to quit staring. Your ugly mug is causing me to lose my appetite. Skull begs for a little piece. Bulk begrudgingly hands him a can of soda. Skull takes off with the soda. Jason tells his friends, something is not right. Zack points out Skull thinks he has a date with Kimberly. Billy remarks even Skull is not that mentally deficient. Skull opens the can and it sprays on him. Kimberly, Trini, Billy, Zack, and Jason laugh. Skull chases Kimberly around the desk, preparing to spray the remains of the can on her. Instead it hits Bulk. Angry, Bulk throws a pie at Skull and it hits him in the face. Instead of being angry, Skull is happy that Bulk is sharing the pie that is better than his mom makes. Zack can't believe they have to put up with this all afternoon. Billy, Trini, Kimberly, and Jason groan.
Rita, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt are on the balcony. Goldar informs Rita, now for phase two. Rita comments, it's going to be so good to see those Rangers get what they deserve.
The "Power Rangers" stand on top of a building as a crowd gathers below. The "Rangers" jump down into the crowd and start firing their "Blade Blasters" into the crowd. People run terrified and screaming.
Zack tells his friends, this stinks. Trini adds, we're being blamed for something we didn't do. Bulk finishes his lunch. He checks his watch and gets excited that it's time for his favorite cartoon. Bulk pulls a small TV set out of his detention survival kit. He plugs in the TV and sits to enjoy his cartoon. Skull joins him. Skull is blocking Bulk's view, so he tosses him onto the floor. Skull protests that he wants to see too. Billy writes notes on what he observes as early Neanderthal social behavior. Skull makes his way back to Bulk and they both laugh at the cartoon. Within a few minutes, the cartoon is interrupted by a special report. The announcer states, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, who once fought on the side of justice as defenders of our planet, have joined with the forces of evil. Billy, Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Jason get up from the desks and walk over to the TV. Jason tells his friends, that's bogus. We...the Power Rangers would never join the forces of evil. The announcers continues, this tragic turn of events as the Power Rangers begin a terrifying attack on downtown Angel Grove moments ago. Footage of the attack is being shown. Kimberly can't believe her eyes. Trini adds, or my ears. The announcer states, this attack was totally unprovoked and took many by surprise. Billy states, but that's impossible. Jason tells his friends, the Power Rangers are being framed.