A Bad Reflection On You - Page Six
"Red Ranger" reverts back to Twin Man. The Rangers race towards Twin Man as he got up. Twin Man exclaims farewell Power brats! He twirls around a weapon shaped like a silver rod that releases energy towards the Rangers. The Rangers are hit and knocked to the ground. Twin Man chants, mirror, mirror, all around. Smash the Rangers to the ground. A kaleidoscope effect forms around Twin Man and the Rangers. Twin Man forms circles with his weapon which makes the Rangers dizzy. Twin Man fires the weapon and the Rangers are hit once more. Twin Man laughs as the Rangers struggle to get up. Twin Man charges towards the Rangers. The Rangers fire their Blade Blasters at Twin Man, striking him and knocking his weapon out of his hands. The Rangers form the Power Blaster and fire it at Twin Man. Twin Man is destroyed. After the battle, several citizens race towards the Power Rangers. A woman tells Blue Ranger and Pink Ranger that we saw the whole thing. It's terrible how those evil twins tried to frame you. A man tells Black Ranger, we knew you wouldn't let us down. Not the real Power Rangers. Black Ranger hangs his head in embarrassment. A news reporter happily reports, and so the Power Rangers are cleared of all wrong doing and once again, made the world a safer place. At the Moon Palace, Baboo, Squatt, Finster, Scorpina, and Goldar have gathered on the balcony with Rita and she is furious. Rita screams, Finster! I thought I had a better monster to beat these guys! She shoves Goldar and Scorpina aside as she storms away, claiming she has a headache.
Bulk and Skull continue to search the classroom for the teens. Skull gets an idea. Why don't we turn those goody-two shoes in? Bulk likes the idea and they step out of the classroom and spot Mr. Caplan staring cautiously at the water fountain. Bulk yells, Mr. Caplan! Those goody-goods split! Mr. Caplan is skeptical. Skull tells him, scouts honor. Please go in and check. In the classroom, Billy, Kimberly, Trini, Zack, and Jason have all teleported in. They quickly scramble to get to their seats and look like they have been working. Out in the hall, Mr. Caplan decides to look, but warns Bulk and Skull that if they are in there, you guys will be doing detention at age fifty! Skull doesn't care, what's another two years.