Big Sisters
September 11, 1993
Written by: Gary Glasberg & Shuki Levy
Directed by: Jeff Reiner
Trini and Kimberly enter the Youth Center, looking for a young girl, Maria. Kimberly asks Ernie if he has seen Maria, but he hasn't. Trini asks Billy the same question. Jason and Zack are sparring, but stop when they see Billy, Kimberly, and Trini. Zack and Jason haven't seen Maria either. Trini and Kimberly explain they have sign up to be a big sister for the day. Kimberly hopes nothing has happened to Maria. Zack walks over to the girls and reassures them that Maria is okay. How much trouble can a young girl get into? Suddenly several guys hurried out of the shower room, wrapped in towels and some with shampoo still in their hair. Billy, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Trini laugh and wonder who would have done such a thing. Kimberly and Trini spot Maria by the hot water handle and realize Maria had been the one to pull the prank
Rita has been watching from her palace balcony. Rita is sick of the goody good teens and wants to get rid of them once and for all. Rita comes up with a plan and storms off to find Finster and Goldar.
Maria is sitting at the counter with a shake when Trini and Kimberly walk up. They tell Maria they are not mad at her and she doesn't need to pull pranks for their attention. Kimberly reassure Maria that they would be friends no matter what she did - that's what friends are for. Kimberly and Trini ask Maria if she would like to go on a picnic with them. Maria is excited. Kimberly hopes they know what they are doing.
Rita announces to Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt that she has found the Power Eggs. Baboo, Squatt, and Goldar applaud over this announcement. Rita tells them with the Power Eggs she will get rid of the Power Geeks with a force not even Zordon can stop.
Inside a cave is a magic chest that contains the Power Eggs. Rita, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt appear in the cave. The talk of eggs has made Squatt hungry for them. Baboo reminds Squatt that he cannot eat the eggs. Goldar yells at them to be quiet. Rita sends Squatt forward to fetch the chest. Squatt does so. When Squatt touches the chest, a huge electric charges goes through him. Squatt bounces around the cave as he tries to get rid of the pain. Rita remembers that the chest can only be open by a child.