Crystal Of Nightmares - Page Five

Trini gets off the bed and walks over to Jason.  She tells Zordon, I don't know if we can do it Zordon.  Zordon tells them, you can and you will.  Believe only that and you will succeed.  The teens are teleported out of the cabin.  They land a small distance away from the cave.  Sticking close together, the teens walk along the cave and spot the entrance, guarded by several Putties.  Zack asks his friends, now what are we going to do?  Trini adds that they don't stand a chance.  Kimberly backs away from his friends, telling them I'm going to go back to town.  Let me know how it turns out.  Kimberly walks right into a Putty.  Kimberly quickly runs back to her friends.  All of the Putties have spotted the teens.  Kimberly battles some Putties, but is knocked to the ground.  Trini fights another set of Putties, but is soon knocked to the ground..  Zack tries to fight another batch of Putties, but ends up on the ground instead.  Jason is tossed around by several Putties.  Billy battles another group of Putties, but is knocked down as well.  Zack continues to fight a batch of Putties until he is knocked into Kimberly.  Zack tells Kimberly, they have never been this strong before.  Kimberly adds, or this ugly.  Trini is pressed against the outside cave wall and screams for help.  Billy is knocked over into her direction.  Billy tells her, this is most unfortunate.  Jason manages to break free of the Putties and shouts out to his friends, that he's going for it.  Jason runs into the cave.  Jason stops in his tracks when he sees Goldar.  Both of them cautiously circle each other.  Goldar asks Jason, having some bad dreams Ranger?  Jason tells Goldar to come and get him.  Goldar replies with pleasure.  Goldar charges towards Jason with his sword.  Jason leaps out of the way at the last possible moment and Goldar crashes into the cave wall.  Goldar turns around and threatens Jason - your nightmare is about to become my reality.  Jason glances over at the crystal of nightmares.  Jason is close enough to it, that he gives it a flying kick and destroys the crystal.  Goldar screams no!  I'll get you yet Red Ranger!  Goldar vanishes.  With crystal of nightmares destroyed, Jason immediately feels his confidence returning and grins.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini's self confidence returns as well.  They all hear Zordon's voice tell them, Power Rangers, you've destroyed the crystal of nightmares and broken Rita's spell.  You've regain your self confidence.  May the power protect you.  Jason runs out of the cave and immediately fights a batch of Putties with ease.  Kimberly fights another batch of Putties and knocks them to the ground.  Trini battles another group of Putties and defeats them.  Billy fights a batch of Putties and knocks them to the ground.  Zack easily defeats his batch of Putties. 














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