Crystal Of Nightmares - Page Two

Bulk tells Skull to get that thing (feather duster) away from him.  Bulk is allergic to dust.  Skull apologizes.  Bulk tells him, we got to hurry.  They are going to be back any minute.  As Bulk searches through drawers, Skull frantically dusts.   Frustrated, Bulk tells Skull to put the feather duster away and help him.  They both hear the guys' voices just outside the door.  Jason, Billy, and Zack enter the cabin after saying bye to the girls.  Zack tells Jason and Billy, he loves the fresh mountain air.  Gives him energy to burn.  Zack turns the radio on and starts dancing.  Amused, Billy and Jason watch him.  Zack removes his shoes and drops them at the floor by the bed, as he tells them to watch this move.  The shoes land by Skull and Bulk's face.  They are hiding under the bed, and can't avoid the smell of the shoes.  Zack continues his dancing as he tells his friends, now check out this move.  Zack jumps up and down on the bed, unknowingly hitting Bulk and Skull in the head several times.  Zack jumps off the bed.  Billy tells him, oh yeah, check out this move.  Billy throws his pillow at Zack, who catches it.  Zack quickly grabs his pillow and swings both pillows around.  Before Zack can do anything, Jason throws his pillow at Zack.  Zack throws one pillow back at Jason and the other at Billy.  Billy and Jason get up and charge towards Zack with their pillows.  A pillow fight breaks out among the three friends, and feathers fly everywhere.  Underneath the bed, the feathers are causing Bulk's allergies to kick in.  Skull quickly stops Bulk's sneeze.

Inside the cave, Goldar declares the world will know it is I who is supreme, after the Rangers' dreams turn into nightmares!  And their powers will be lost forever!  Goldar laughs.

Trini and Kimberly get ready for bed.  Trini and Kimberly exchange good nights.  Kimberly tells Trini, pleasant dreams and turns off the light.  In the cabin next door, Jason, Zack, and Billy are already asleep.

Goldar watches the sleeping Rangers for a moment.  Goldar states, pleasant dreams do-gooders!  Enjoy your last moments of happiness!  Goldar laughs again.

The teens all begin to have uneasy dreams.

Billy dreams of his and Pink Ranger's battle with Terror Toad and how he was swallowed by Terror Toad.

Watching Goldar excitedly shouts excellent and laughs some more.

Trini's dreams of the Rangers battling Goldar.  Goldar knocks the Rangers off their feet and they hit the ground.














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