Different Drum - Page Four

Baboo and Squatt stop him.  Gnarly Gnome reappears and straightens the laces on his boots.  Gnarly Gnome then announces that he can smell the Power Rangers.  Once they hear the Rangers are close by, Baboo and Squatt leave.  Melissa leads Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly to the entrance of the cave.  Kimberly signs to Melissa to hide.  Melissa does and the five teens morph.  Gnarly Gnome comes up and the Rangers battle Gnarly Gnome with the Power Weapons.  Eventually they form the Power Blaster and fire at Gnarly Gnome.  Gnarly Gnome becomes a pile of rocks.  Rita throws down her wand and Gnarly Gnome is reassembled and giant size.  The zords are summon and the Megazord is formed.  First it is in tank mode.  The Rangers battled Gnarly Gnome.  Then the Megazord goes into battle mode.  The battle continues.  The Megazord grabs the rake from Gnarly Gnome.  Gnarly Gnome then plays his accordion.  The music makes the Rangers see a city surrounding them.  Gnarly Gnome looks like a building and Gnarly Gnome knocks against the Megazord.  Then the music makes Gnarly Gnome look like a boulder.  The Rangers fight against the music.  The Megazord's Power Sword is called down. 














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