Mighty Morphin Mutants
May 16, 1994
Written by: Douglas Sloan
Directed by: Terence H. Winkless
Tommy arrives at Angel Grove High School late, because he forgot to set his alarm. Kimberly stops by, but Tommy is in a hurry because he is late for Miss Appleby's class. He races off forgetting to shut the locker, which Kimberly does for him.
Miss Appleby's class has started and Tommy tries to slip in, but Miss Appleby catches him. Miss Appleby gives the class an assignment that they must ask a friend to tell them what their biggest fault is and change it. Bulk and Skull try to get out of it by asking Miss Appleby if there is nothing wrong, do they have to do the assignment? Miss Appleby assures them if their friends can't get find something, she will. Tommy jokes with Bulk about the assignment, but Bulk merely replies that Tommy will be lucky if he remembers the assignment. This causes Tommy to stop and think.
Rita has been watching the classroom. Rita yells, you see dummies as Squatt, Baboo, Goldar and Finster run up. Rita continues, I told you Green Ranger must have some weakness. Now listen up. Go to the dungeon and get the badges of darkness for our pathetic Putties. Baboo and Squatt get excited. Goldar adds, they'll turn the Putties into Mutant Rangers. Goldar laughs.
After school, Tommy and Jason work out, but Tommy is distracted. Jason notices and asks him what is going on? Tommy tells him about the assignment and asks Jason what he thinks is his biggest fault? Jason tells him his biggest fault is that he is forgetful. Jason leaves.
After practice, Tommy joins Trini and Kimberly. Tommy can't get over the fact that he is forgetful. Trini and Kimberly tell him that they will help him with the problem.
Goldar is on the beach with several Putties.