Mighty Morphin Mutants - Page Four

The following day Kimberly tries to help Tommy to remember by tying strings around his wrist - a trick from her grandmother.  The device Billy made malfunctions and then Tommy remembers that he left home the notebook that Trini had organized for him.  Tommy leaves and Kimberly concludes that Tommy was doing better before they started to help him.

Alpha 5 informs Zordon that it's Rita.  She's making her move.  Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to contact the Rangers immediately.  Alpha 5 concludes this is one fishing trip that won't be any fun. 

Zack, Billy, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason walk down the halls of the school.  They don't like waiting around and they are anxious to get started.  Suddenly Jason's communicator goes off.  They find a quiet spot and gather round.

Zordon tells the teens that Rita Repulsa had selected Commander Crayfish to be the leader of her Mutant Rangers.

Jason responds, we'll take care of it.

Zordon continues, Commander Crayfish is at the Angel Grove shoreline.  You must stop him before he heads inland.

Kimberly asks about Tommy.  Zordon tells them that Tommy is not answering his communicator.  The teens morphed and teleport out.

The five Rangers battle the Mutant Rangers and Commander Crayfish. 














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