Mighty Morphin Mutants - Page Two
Goldar has them train to become Mutant Rangers. All the Putties do well except for one, number six. Goldar gets frustrated with him and threatens to make him a clay pot on Rita's coffee table if he doesn't shape up. The training continues with number six still failing. After the training, Goldar has the Putties line up. Goldar sends number six back to the clay jar on Finster's work bench. Goldar passes out the Badges of Darkness to the remaining five Putties as he tells them they will become the evil twin of a Power Ranger. Goldar destroys the last Badge of Darkness as no one was worthy of becoming Red Ranger. The Putties use the Badges of Darkness to morph into the Mutant Rangers.
Bulk and Skull stop by Kimberly and Trini's table to give Tommy a hard time and then leave.
Using her telescope, Rita gets very excited to see the Mutant Rangers. She asks Goldar if they are ready. Goldar replies, they are my queen! Rita gives the order to attack. At least those two!
Kimberly and Tommy are walking in the park when they are attacked by the Green and Pink Mutant Rangers. Tommy and Kimberly have a difficult time and the Green and Pink Mutant Rangers leave in triumph.