Plaque Of The Mantis - Page Seven

Bulk walks onto the floor mats and encourages everyone to gather round.  Bulk states, see just how powerful cockroach kung-fu really is.  Skull leaps over onto the mats and they go through their "routine".  Bulk flips Skull onto the mats and then helps him back up.  Bulk then announces they are going to show their top secret roach rendezvous.  Bulk and Skull shout out, cockroach power and bang their heads.  Disoriented, Skull walks back over to the banner.  Bulk stumbles over to the crowd, then they both turn around and face each other.  Skull gets nervous when Bulk charges towards him and moves out of the way.  Bulk crashes into the banner and they both end up entangle in it.  To make matters worse, the jar full of cockroaches falls and breaks.  Cockroaches climb all over Bulk, freaking him and Skull out.  Bulk frantically shouts, get them off me!  Jason, Trini, Billy, Zack, and Kimberly laugh.






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