Plaque Of The Mantis - Page Three

The rest of the Rangers arrive and gather around the fallen Yellow Ranger.  Red Ranger tells Yellow Ranger, don't worry, we're here.  Red Ranger is ready to go after Mantis, but Yellow Ranger stops him.  Yellow Ranger tells him, you have to be careful, it's kung-fu.  Mantis leaps away, telling Yellow Ranger, you called your friends.  It's not a fair fight.  You have no honor.  Mantis vanishes.  Mantis' words hit Yellow Ranger hard.

Rita has been watching the fight from her balcony and she laughs at Yellow Ranger's dilemma.  Squatt, Baboo, and Goldar run up to the balcony as Rita gleefully announces that the Mantis has shamed Trini and she will have to fight him on her own next time and it will be the end of her.  Finster agrees, it's a brilliant plant.  Squatt notes that Baboo had thought it was a bad idea.  Baboo can only stutter in fear.  Rita doesn't care.  She screams silence and savor my genius!

In the Command Center, Trini is troubled and paces back and forth.  Kimberly tells Trini not to be so hard on herself.  We're going to get the Mantis.  Trini knows, but she wonders if it would have been more honorable to face him on her own.  Zack quickly tells her it was a monster bug - no way.  Zordon asks Alpha 5, what information do we have regarding Rita's Mantis?  Alpha 5 replies, I'll punch it up on the viewing globe.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack turn around and face the viewing globe which shows images of Mantis.  Alpha 5 informs them that Mantis is an expert on praying mantis kung-fu.  Very dangerous.  Billy concludes perhaps Mantis challenged Trini because she is the kung-fu expert.  Kimberly adds, if the Mantis takes her out, he is going to have an easier time with us.  Trini tells them she is going to put in some extra practice.  Next time that Mantis shows up, I'll be ready.  Jason adds, and we'll nail him.

True to her word, Trini returns to the Youth Center and practices her kung-fu.

From her Moon Palace, Rita laughs as she watches Trini.  Goldar tells her, now is your chance to get Trini away from the others.

Ernie is cleaning up the counter when an envelope suddenly appears.  Ernie is puzzled, he didn't see the envelope before.  After a few moments, he calls out to Trini and tells her someone left a note for you.  With a smile, Trini walks over to the counter and thanks Ernie as she takes the note.  Trini reads it, comments that she's got to go, places the note back on the counter and takes off.  Still dressed in their cockroach kung-fu outfits, Skull asks Bulk, now what?  Bulk replies, it's easy.  Just look at the bugs and do what they do.  Skull reaches for the jar of cockroaches, looks at them for a few seconds and then walks away.  Bulk takes a closer look at the jar and then starts to imitate the cockroaches.  He hears a strange sound and turns around.  Skull is on the floor twitching.  Bulk mutters, not the dead ones.

Trini walks through the quarry, calling out for Master Li.  Suddenly Mantis appears.  Mantis tells Trini, you have no honor.














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