Plaque Of The Mantis - Page Six

Yellow Ranger warns, watch his foot work.  Red Ranger replies, we're ready for him.  Slowly, Mantis moves forward.  Megazord cautiously moves forward as well.  Suddenly Mantis leaps into the air and strikes Megazord.  Megazord and Mantis battle.  Mantis lands a couple of kicks and a powerful strike against Megazord, knocking it backwards.  Red Ranger summons the power sword.  Mantis charges towards Megazord.  Megazord and Mantis continue to fight.  Mantis tries to strike Megazord and Megazord blocks it with it's power sword.  Mantis is knocked down, but quickly gets back up.  Megazord charges towards Mantis and strikes it several times with the power sword.  Eventually Mantis is destroyed.  At the Moon Palace, Rita is furious.  Squatt, Baboo, and Goldar are kneeling before her and she strikes them with her wand as she yells at them.  How do you always mess up?!  At the Command Center, Zordon tells them, good work Power Rangers.  And Trini, you did the honorable thing.  You tried to be fair.  Trini thanks Zordon.  Kimberly adds, it's not your fault Rita cheats.  Billy tells her, at least all your practicing paid off.  Jason reminds her, we're teammates.  We'll always be there to watch your back.  Trini knows and tells them they are the best.  Zack adds besides we showed Rita we're not afraid of her big bug.  Zack can't help but to give a small shudder.  Everyone, including Alpha 5, laughs.

Billy, Zack, Kimberly, and Jason are watching the small TV set on the counter.  The TV Announcer reports, the Power Rangers have once again, successfully defeated another attack on Angel Grove by Rita Repulsa and her seemingly endless hordes of monster thugs.  Elsewhere in the Youth Center, Trini and Master Li are working on their kung-fu.  This time, Trini easily performs the mantis kung-fu routine.  Jason, Billy, Zack, and Kimberly leave the counter and gather by one of the poles to watch Trini.  At the end of the routine, Master Li comments, excellent work Trini.  Trini replies, thank you Master Li.  Practice makes perfect.  They bow to each other and then Trini joins her friends, who are very proud of her.  Zack points out Bulk and Skull to his friends.  Bulk and Skull are trying to drum up  business for their cockroach kung-fu class.  Skull holds up a glass jar filled with cockroaches and announces you can take home a sparring partner.  But there are no takers.  Bulk tells Skull they need a little publicity.  Skull agrees. 














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