The Trouble With Shellshock

October 11, 1993

Written by:  Stewart St. John & Julianne Klemm

Directed by:  David Blyth

The teens are at the park.  Zack and Jason are playing basketball.  Tommy is standing by the court, cheering them both on.  Kimberly, Trini, and Billy are sitting on a picnic table, also cheering the guys on.  Squatt arrives in the park and stays hidden.  He is thrilled that the teens don't suspect a thing.  At the court, Zack makes an incredible shot.  Kimberly, Trini, and Billy cheer.  Kimberly shouts out totally styling move, Zack.  Squatt watches them for a few more moments.  He relishes the idea that the teens won't know what to do with the monster he and Baboo are creating.  Squatt teleports away.

Rita is sound asleep in her rocking chair.  Baboo is very happy to see Rita is asleep.  Baboo warns Squatt to be quiet.  Squatt isn't too concern - if  Rita's snores don't wake her up, nothing will.  Baboo and Squatt tip toe past her and into Finster's monster making room.  Baboo wants the monster to be a total surprise for Rita.  Squatt is very eager to see it.  Baboo gives his monster quite the build up.  Baboo tells Squatt it's better than anything Finster ever made.  Baboo reaches into a cabinet and pulls out a clay turtle.  Squatt is a little disappointed.  Baboo tells him there is more and pulls out a traffic light.  Squatt becomes confused.  Baboo places the traffic light on top of the turtle.  Squatt wonders what they are going to do with it?  Baboo tells Squatt that he will see and to be patient.

Squatt stops Baboo from putting the monster in the Monstermatic.  Squatt thinks the monster needs some weapons and lays an assortment of weapons onto the conveyor belt beside the clay turtle.  Squatt asks Baboo if he has decided what he wants to name him?  Baboo was thinking of Greta or Peitouche.  Squatt thought those were lousy names and suggested the name Shellshock.  Baboo thought it over and decided he liked it.  Shellshock and his weapons entered the Monstermatic.  The noise from the Monstermatic, woke Rita up briefly.  She glanced over, and then went back to sleep.  Standing where the monster would emerge, Squatt got very excited - thinking it would be the greatest monster ever!  Baboo shushed him and  Squatt covered his mouth with his hands.  Shellshock emerged from the Monstermatic and he was ready to report for duty.  Squatt and Baboo walk over to Shellshock.  They were confident Shellshock would destroy the Rangers, but decide to send down the Putties to soften them up first.

Tommy is now playing basketball against Zack. Jason watches for awhile and then joins in the game as well.  Tommy is knocked down.  Zack helps him up.   














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