The Trouble With Shellshock - Page Five

The flowers float over to Yellow Ranger's hand.  Yellow Ranger tells Zordon she's got them and she is on her way.  Meanwhile, Red Ranger continues to struggle in his battle against Shellshock.  Shellshock retreats his head and now the cannon comes out.  The cannon fires a blast at Tyrannosaurus.  At the Youth Center, Tommy is drying off, when he hears his communicator, in his gym bag, go off.  Tommy reaches in and grabs his communicator.  He takes a cautious look around and then walks over to small room of lockers.  Red Ranger's voice comes over the communicator and he tells Tommy they need his help.  Tommy tells Jason he will be right there and morphs.  Green Ranger arrives in the city and plays his Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord.  Dragonzord emerges from beneath the water and enters the battle.  Dragonzord's tail knocks Shellshock down.  Red Ranger shouts out to Green Ranger, let's do it!  Shellshock gets back up and is eager to take them both on - he will have twice as much fun.  Dragonzord uses it's tail against Shellshock once more.  Tyrannosaurus lands a punch on Shellshock's face.  Shellshock goes flying.  Dragonzord hits him as he is flying through the air.  Shellshock hits the ground hard.  Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord stand together and face down Shellshock as he gets back up.  Shellshock exclaims that he has dirt in his eyes and can't see.  Red Ranger thinks they have this battle, but Shellshock was tricking them.  Shellshock fires his stop ray on both zords.  The controls in the zords are frozen.  Baboo urges Shellshock to finish them off.  Just then Yellow Ranger races up.  Yellow Ranger leaps up into the air and lands on top of Shellshock's head.  Yellow Ranger tells Shellshock he is history, these flowers will reverse your power.  Yellow Ranger states by the power of the Sabretooth Tiger, I command you to release us from Shellshock's power.  Yellow Ranger shakes the flowers over Shellshock's head.  Pollen from the flower fall onto Shellshock.  Shellshock's traffic light starts to spark.  Shellshock hates this stuff.  Pollen from the flower also fall in the Command Center.  Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Black Ranger can move again.  Alpha 5 is very excited to see them back to normal and shouts out way to go Trini.  Pink Ranger thought she was going to end up in the mall as a mannequin. 













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