Wheel Of Misfortune - Page Four
The rest of the Dinozords join in the battle. Scorpina blasts them all. Red Ranger tells his team to get out of here. You have to save yourself before it is too late. Goldar starts kicking Tyrannosaurus. At the Command Center, Alpha 5 has been watching the viewing globe. Alpha 5 tells Zordon that the Power Rangers need help. Green Ranger has just got to get free. Zordon tells Alpha 5 to have patience. Tommy knows what he has to do. At the park, Tommy is tied to a tree. The Putties have surrounded his gym bag, but are hesitant to open it. Keeping an eye on the Putties, Tommy rubs the rope back and forth against the tree, slowly breaking it apart. The rope is almost completely apart when Tommy calls out to the Putties. Tommy tells them he is starting to feel sick. Then he lets his head fall forward, as if he had fainted. The Putties cautiously approach him. The rope breaks apart and Tommy leaps into action. Tommy battles the Putties and defeats them. The Putties vanish and Tommy races over to his gym bag. Tommy takes out his communicator and contacts Zordon. He asks what is going on? Zordon informs Tommy that a battle rages on the other side of the park, but more power is needed. I told Red Ranger to bring all the zords together to form Ultrazord. Tommy tells Zordon he is on the way. Tommy morphs and teleports to the battle. Green Ranger arrives and starts playing his Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord. Dragonzord arrives and fires at Goldar and Scorpina - knocking them off their feet. Dragonzord walks over to Tyrannosaurus and removes the net. The Wheel of Misfortune flies over the mountains and towards the two zords. The Wheel of Misfortune hits them several times. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers to power up their crystals. The Megazord is formed, first in tank mode, and then in battle mode. Red Ranger immediately summons the power sword. The Megazord tries to destroy the Wheel of Misfortune with the power sword. Dragonzord is busy battling Scorpina and Goldar. Rita is pleased her plan is working. Rita commands the Wheel of Misfortune to chop them down. Attack! Green Ranger calls out a warning. Red Ranger declares we are not finished yet. The Rangers summon Titanus.