Wheel Of Misfortune - Page Three
The Putties surround Tommy as he continues to struggle against his bindings.
Goldar is very happy. One Ranger down, five more to go!
Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly are still sitting together, when Jason's communicator goes off. Billy, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Trini get up and walk over to where the lockers are. It is Zordon and he tells them it is urgent they get to the Command Center. We have a desperate situation. Jason tells Zordon they are on their way. When the five teens arrive, Zordon tells Kimberly the mysterious disappearance of your grandmother's spinning wheel has been solved. Goldar has stolen it. Kimberly asks why? Zordon explains so that Rita can put an evil spell on it. Now it can destroy everything it touches, Power Rangers, including you. Kimberly can't believe it. Zordon instructs them to behold the viewing globe. Trini, Zack, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy walk over. The viewing globe shows Tommy tied up and guarded by Putties. Zordon tells them part of Rita's plan is to keep Tommy out of the way. By outsmarting her, you can break the spell and destroy her evil wheel. Kimberly feels bad for Tommy. Trini states we got to help him. Zordon tells the teens they have something more urgent to do. Goldar and Scorpina are on the rampage. You must deal with them. Billy, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Trini morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrive with their Blade Blasters drawn. Scorpina quickly blasts them off their feet. The five Rangers get back up and charge towards Goldar and Scorpina. The five Rangers battle Scorpina and Goldar with their Blade Blasters. Rita has teleported down to the battle. Rita makes Goldar and Scorpina giant size. Scorpina goes into her monster form. The five Rangers summon their zords. When the zords arrive, the Rangers immediately leap into them. Rita screams to get the Red Ranger - throw the net. Goldar has a large net that he throws over Tyrannosaurus Dinozord. Tyrannosaurus is unable to break free of the net. Blasts from Goldar's fingertips hit Tyrannosaurus. Black Ranger notes Red Ranger is in trouble. Goldar is ready to finish Red Ranger for good! Goldar starts battling Tyrannosaurus with his sword. Scorpina leaps in and battles Tyrannosaurus with her sword. Tyrannosaurus is knocked to the ground. Yellow Ranger screams for Red Ranger to hold on. Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord race towards Goldar and Scorpina and fires at them.