Witch Mask

EAGLE soldiers were transporting their Freeze Beam Bazooka.  For added protection, Akira and Daita, on their Machines, escorted the group.  As the group traveled through a valley, above them stood Witch Mask, watching them.  Witch Mask wanted to steal the bazooka and make Japan freeze.  After a bit, Witch Mask gave the order to fire.  Several explosions erupted around the transport team.  Several Zolders lined the top of the valley and watched the explosions.  Witch Mask laughed as it jumped on it's broom and flew towards the team.  The Zolders came running down the hill towards the team as well.  Soon Akira, Daita, and the EAGLE soldiers were surrounded by Witch Mask and the Zolders.  Daita demanded to know who they were.   The reply was Witch Mask from the Black Cross Army.  Witch Mask then announced that it was here to steal their Freeze Beam Bazooka.  The battle began.  Akira tried to fight Witch Mask, but was blocked by a Zolder.  The EAGLE soldiers fought the Zolders.  Akira punched a Zolder.  Daita crushed the bones of another Zolder by squeezing tightly.  Akira fought another Zolder but was knocked off his feet.  Akira rolled down the hill.  Daita hurried over to his friend and made sure he was okay.  Witch Mask pointed it's broom towards the two and fire shot out of it.  Witch Mask laughed as it chased them around with it's fiery broom.  Akira and Daita leaped into the air and transform into Ao Ranger and Ki Ranger.  Now the two Gorengers stood above Witch Mask.  Witch Mask quickly got on it's broom and flew away.  Ao Ranger and Ki Ranger activated their Birdies and flew after Witch Mask.  They eventually caught up to Witch Mask and fought it.  But they could not defeat it and Witch Mask flew away.  Ao Ranger pulled out Blue Cherry and fired it.  The arrow hit Witch Mask in the back and it fell to the ground as a small, black ball.  Ki Ranger and Ao Ranger were confused.  Witch Mask appeared to be inside the ball.  Ki Ranger picked up the ball and threw it as hard as he could onto the ground.  The ball bounced back and hit both Ki Ranger and Ao Ranger's helmets.  The ball bounced up into the sky and Witch Mask reverted back to it's form, flying away from them. 

Blue Shadow! Variblune Secret Strategy














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