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The EAGLE soldiers were still firing at the Zolders.  Witch Mask flew down and joined in the battle.  Witch Mask used it's broom to fire flames at the EAGLE soldiers.  As Witch Mask kept the EAGLE soldiers busy, it directed the Zolders to get the Freeze Beam Bazooka.  The EAGLE soldiers tried to protect the bazooka, but Witch Mask and the Zolders defeated the guarding EAGLE soldiers.  Witch Mask used the Freeze Beam Bazooka on the EAGLE soldiers, freezing them where they stood.  Witch Mask was impressed with the bazooka.  Witch Mask left with the Freeze Beam Bazooka and returned to it's den.  After awhile, Ki Ranger and Ao Ranger reached the den.  Ao Ranger asked Ki Ranger to stay and watch out for Witch Mask here.  Ao Ranger plans to spy from above.  Ki Ranger jumps out  and finds stairs.  He cautiously begins walking up the stairs.  A black ball bounces down the stairs.  Ki Ranger gets into a fighting stance.  The ball stops on a stair and turns into a plate of curry.  Ki Ranger thinks the curry looks tasty.  Ki Ranger glances around and then demorphs.  Daita sits on the stairs and enjoys the curry - claiming it's better than Gon's.  After several large spoonful's, Daita begins to feel funny and can no longer sit upright.  Witch Mask appears, pleased that it has tricked the Gorenger.  A Zolder takes the plate as the rest of the Zolders drag Daita away.  Daita is tossed into a cell.  Although Daita looks like he is unconscious, he is very aware of what is going on.  Daita leaps up and grabs the broom from Witch Mask.  He strikes a couple of Zolders with it.  Daita boasts, don't underestimate a Gorenger.  I tricked you to get into your den!  Where's the Freezer Beam?  But Witch Mask refuses to tell him.  Daita tries to break the broom, using his head.  Witch Mask places a spell that causes the broom to stick to Daita's head.  Daita tries to get the broom off, but he can't.  To make matters worse, Witch Mask then has the broom spin around and jump with Daita still attached to it.  Later, Daita is chained to the bars of his cell.  Witch Mask beats him with it's broom and then demands that he call the other Gorengers.  When that doesn't work, Witch Mask and a Zolder force Daita onto a bridge.  Variblune is above them.  Several  Zolders spot Variblune, along with Daita and Witch Mask.  Witch Mask wants Daita to make them land.  Daita refuses.  Daita tells Witch Mask to let him go.  He is surprised when that happens and Witch Mask and the Zolder take off.   Witch Mask instructs the Zolders to not shoot until they are close.  Daita contacts Akira to let him know where he is at.  Akira prepares to rescue Daita.   Daita waves his hands in the air, trying to get Akira to see him.  The Zolders prepare to fire at Variblune.  Unfortunately, Daita is signaling to Akira to not land.  Akira gets the warning and takes off.  Witch Mask thinks its because they were noticed and commands the Zolders to fire.  The Zolders fire the Freeze Beam Bazooka and it hits part of Variblune, freezing it.  The weight of the ice is causing Variblune to tilt.  Blue Smoke pours out of Variblune, which covers up his getaway.  Daita boasts to Witch Mask that he nearly did it.  Daita laughs.  Witch Mask is very angry and takes her revenge on Daita.  Witch Mask tosses her broom at Daita, which Daita grabs.  Witch Mask sends the broom flying up into the sky, with Daita on it, and then has the broom shake Daita off.  Screaming, Daita falls into a lake.    Afterwards, No. 8 Team is heading out for the rescue.  They soon encounter Witch Mask. 

Blue Shadow! Variblune Secret Strategy














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