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Witch Mask welcomes the EAGLE Agents and then fires the Freezer Beam on them.  Witch Mask easily disposes of Kanto No. 8 Team.  Later, Witch Mask and several Zolders ride in a Jeep and soon come across several large metal containers blocking the road.  Witch Mask tells the Zolders to get them out of the way.  The Zolders easily move the containers aside.  The Zolders return to the Jeep, and the group continues on their way.  Soon, they are stopped at the entrance to the Fortress by a pair of Zolders.  A Zolder does a quick check on the Jeep and then waves them through.  Daita is thrown back into his cell.  Tsuyoshi, disguised as a Zolder, rescues Daita.  As they continued with their escape, They spot Witch Mask and another Zolder heading their way.  Witch Mask has spotted them as well and is suspicious of the pair.  She asks who they are.  Daita responds, I can ask the same question.  Witch Mask answers, I'm Witch Mask, of course.  Daita claims he is Witch Mask.  Witch Mask claims, no she is and declares the other Witch Mask is a fake.  Several more Zolders appear.  Daita yells, no the other Witch Mask is the fake and to get her.  They go back and forth, until Daita gives a riddle for Witch Mask to solve.  Witch Mask answers the riddle and Daita laughs.  He tells Witch Mask, you are more stupid than Daita and points out the error.  Daita then tells her, if you can't solve a riddle like this, you must be fake.  Daita orders the Zolders to grab Witch Mask.  Witch Mask insists she is the real one.  But the Zolders drag her away.  Daita lets out a large sneeze, which knocks the hood off his cape, revealing his identity.  Witch Mask spots Daita and orders the Zolders to grab him.  Daita and Tsuyoshi run.  As the Zolders try to grab a hold of Daita, the cape is removed.  Daita tells them, don't be a pervert.  Tsuyoshi and Daita run away with the Zolders close behind.  They find a motorcycle and hop on it.  They take off on the motorcycle.  Witch Mask is close behind and vows she won't let them escape.  The road shakes as Tsuyoshi and Daita speed along and they have to stop.  Armory rises from underground.  Things are not looking good for the pair as several Zolders are behind them and in front of them is the jeep with Witch Mask and more Zolders.  Witch Mask tells them to put their hands up.  Tsuyoshi does so.  Daita doesn't want to, as his boxers are loose but reluctantly does so.  Witch Mask tells them she is going to kill them.  Tsuyoshi responds, we've got other Agents too.  It's a shame for only two to die.  Daita adds, the Gorengers have five members.  Witch Mask likes the idea of killing all five of them.  She tells them to make them come with Variblune.  Tsuyoshi asks her if she is going to kill them in the air?  Witch Mask doesn't answer, just tells them to call them.  Tsuyoshi and Daita glance at each other and then make the call that they need help.  Soon, Tsuyoshi and Daita are tied to railings outside the building.  Zolders have the Freeze Beam Bazooka pointed at the sky as Witch Mask also watches.  A scientist is also there with a device to track Variblune.  His device picks up the signal and he lets them know that Variblune is coming.  Witch Mask is pleased.  Daita is worried about his friends.  Variblune gets closer and Blue Smoke is pouring out of Variblune.  Witch Mask yells, I won't let you escape this time!  Daita is happy to see Variblune and the Blue Smoke.   Variblune flies through the Blue Smoke.  In frustration, Witch Mask orders the Zolders to fire.  They do so and Witch Mask becomes more frustrated when Variblune doesn't fall from the skies. Witch Mask orders the Zolders to shoot the missile.  Black Cross Army's artillery towers fire at Variblune.  Variblune remains untouched and Witch Mask can't believe it.  Witch Mask decides if she can't destroyed all of the Gorengers, she can at least destroy the two she has.  She tells the Zolders to get rid of those two.  Before they can fire, a loud voice shouts wait - it is Ao Ranger.  Ao Ranger lands and kicks a couple of the Zolders.  Witch Mask notices that Momo Ranger and Mido Ranger are in front of Tsuyoshi and Daita.  The two Gorengers quickly untie Tsuyoshi and Daita.  Tsuyoshi and Daita transform into Aka Ranger and Ki Ranger.  The five Gorengers gather together.  Witch Mask, once more, orders the Zolders to fire at them.  Ao Ranger shouts no!  He pulls out his controller and has Variblune drop down it's clamp and attaches to the Freeze Beam Bazooka.  Variblune then lifts the bazooka away.  The Gorengers run towards Witch Mask.  Witch Mask orders the Zolders to get them!  Ao Ranger kicks another set of Zolders.  Momo Ranger blocks a move from Zolder.  Aka Ranger lands several punches on a Zolder.  Ki Ranger punches a Zolder and then tosses it aside.  Aka Ranger knocks a Zolder off it's feet with his Red Vute.  Mido Ranger strikes a Zolder several times.  Ao Ranger outmaneuvers a Zolder, then punches it, and tosses it aside.  Momo Ranger flips a Zolder.  Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute to strike a Zolder.  Ao Ranger uses his Blue Cherry to fire at a Zolder.  Mido Ranger uses his Midomerang to strike a couple of Zolders.  Ki Ranger lands several quick punches on a Zolder.  Finishing off the Zolders, the Gorengers face down Witch Mask. 

Blue Shadow! Variblune Secret Strategy














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