Page Twenty-One

Angel Grove High School was sponsoring a program where teens take little kids out trick or treating.  The event was being held at the Youth Center.  Kimberly and Billy were already at the Youth Center, participating in the event.  Kimberly:  "Happy Halloween everybody!  Alright, we're gong to have lots of fun going out trick or treating tonight.  Parents, remember you need to sign your children in when you leave them and out when you pick them up.  Okay, that way the chaperones can keep track of everyone."  Kimberly and Billy worked at their table.  Billy started talking about the upcoming peace conference.  Kimberly thinks the peace conference is very exciting.  Billy asked Kimberly what would happen to their team if one of them was chosen?  Kimberly realized that could have serious consequences for them.  A young child and her mom walk up to Kimberly and Billy's table.  Mrs. Marks thanks them for their hard work.  After they leave, Tommy walks in and walks up to Kimberly and Billy.  The three hope that Halloween will go smoothly.  Ernie passes by and asks them what could go wrong, with so many volunteers.  Ernie walks away.  Kimberly, Billy, and Tommy all know anything can happen with Lord Zedd around.  Kimberly, Billy, and Tommy are enjoying the event at the Youth Center.  Bulk and Skull walk in, looking for candy.  Kimberly reminds them this is a school project, and they are not suppose to be trick or treating, but chaperoning.  Bulk tells Kimberly to speak for herself.  Bulk takes a handful of red hots and immediately feels on fire.  Bulk quickly puts his entire head in the barrel of water.  When Bulk resurfaces, he has an apple stuck in his mouth.  Everyone laughs.  Bulk and Skull walk away.  A group of children walk inside and Tommy assumes this is his group, unaware that the children are really Zedd's Putties in disguise.  Tommy asks for their names, but the children remain silent.  Tommy assumes the kids are simply staying in character, by keeping their identifies a secret.  Tommy leads the group outside.  Later, Kimberly and Billy also take their group of kids out to trick or treat.  Later, Kimberly and Billy return to the Youth Center.  They are sitting at the counter, going over the various lists of kids.  Kimberly asks Ernie about Jason, Trini, and Zack.  Ernie replies they have not returned yet.  Kimberly is surprised to see Tommy has not returned yet.  Billy adds there is something else odd, all the kids are accounted for. 

Zedd's Monster Mash














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Young Kimberly - Page One
Young Kimberly - Page Two