Page Twenty-Eight

Zordon had selected three new Rangers.  Billy asked who and got his answer quickly.  Adam, Rocky, and Aisha were teleported in.  Kimberly, Tommy, and Billy were thrilled to see them.  Aisha, Adam, and Rocky stood still as the Rangers placed their helmets on their heads.  White Ranger held the Sword of Light high above them and Zordon used his energy on the Sword of Light.  Aisha, Rocky, and Adam became Power Rangers.  Zordon gave a farewell speech to the departing Rangers and they teleported out.  Zordon then gave instructions to the three new members.  After, they all removed their helmets.  Aisha, Adam, and Rocky were thrilled about being chosen and Kimberly, Billy, and Tommy were happy for their new friends.  The celebration did not last long as the alarm went off.  Zordon told them of Silver Horns in Angel Grove.  Kimberly told Aisha they were on call twenty-four hours a day.  Kimberly and her friends morph and teleported to Angel Grove park.  Pink Ranger and the rest of the Rangers faced down Silver Horns.  Silver Horns was difficult to defeat.  It didn't help matters when Silver Horns had the Putties join in the battle.  Pink Ranger and the rest of the Rangers were kept busy battling the Putties.  The Rangers defeated the Putties.  Suddenly Silver Horns was giant size and Serpentera, Lord Zedd's zord, was about to land.  Red Ranger told them he would take of Silver Horns.  Red Ranger summon Red Dragon Thunderzord and went after Silver Horns.  Pink Ranger and the rest watch as Serpentera landed in Angel Grove.  Red Ranger was having troubles with Silver Horns and White Ranger left to help him.  Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger kept an eye on Serpentera, but nothing happened.  They didn't know that Serpentera had run out of energy and could not fire on them.  Soon White Ranger and Red Ranger needed their help.  Pink Ranger summon Firebird Thunderzord.  The rest of the Rangers summon their zords.  Tor was summon as well.  The Rangers battled and destroyed Silver Horns.  Serpentera had enough energy to retreat.  Kimberly and her friends return to the Command Center.  They watch the viewing globe which showed Jason, Zack, and Trini leaving for Switzerland.  Kimberly, Tommy, Billy, and even Alpha 5 were sad to see them go.  Billy pointed out that they had new Rangers, which was cause for celebration.  Aisha couldn't believe they had stop Lord Zedd.  Zordon was proud of them and Alpha 5 commented that Zordon knew how to pick Rangers.  Zordon cautioned them not use their powers for their own purposes and there would be more confrontations with Lord Zedd in the future.  Adam vowed that they would not let Zordon down.  Kimberly and her friends placed their hands in a circle and then leaped in the air, shouting Power Rangers!

Kimberly was sitting at a table with Aisha and Adam.  Adam told them how he had tried to talk to Sarah.  Before Adam even had a chance, several Putties appeared.  Adam was kept busy battling the Putties, and when he was done, Sarah had left.  Adam was really bummed.  Kimberly told him not to give up.  There was three more days till the dance.  Sarah could still ask him.  Kimberly told her friends she needed to leave, and headed out.  The following day, Kimberly was back at the Youth Center.  This time she was sitting at a table with Billy.  The Youth Center was already being decorate for the dance.  Miss Appleby stopped by their table.  Miss Appleby was very pleased at how well the dance decorations turned out.  Kimberly and Billy are happy that Adam had a date for the dance with the new girl.  Miss Appleby is confused, what new girl?  Kimberly tells her Sabrina.  Miss Appleby tells them they must be mistaken.  The last new girl was Aisha.  Miss Appleby has papers to grade and leaves.  Rocky and Tommy come up to their table.  They are looking for Adam, who was supposed to workout with them.  Billy tells them he believes Adam went on a hike with Sabrina.  Kimberly thinks something is up and tells them what Miss Appleby told them.  The teens become concern and leave.  Kimberly, Rocky, Billy, and Tommy go to the Command Center and tell Zordon their concerns.  The viewing globe shows Aisha and Adam in trouble.  Kimberly is shocked to see Scorpina.  Rocky asks who is Scorpina and Kimberly tells him one of their worst nightmares.  The four teens morph and teleport to the park.  The four Rangers battle the Putties, Goldar, and Scorpina.  The Putties are soon defeated.  Blue Ranger uses his power lance and frees Adam and Aisha.  Aisha and Adam quickly morph.  Lord Zedd uses his grow bomb and soon Scorpina is in monster form and giant size.  Goldar is giant size as well.  White Ranger contacts Zordon and he tells them they are going to have to use all their power, and would need the Thunder Ultrazord.  Pink Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed Thunder Megazord and White Tiger Warrior Mode.  They battled Scorpina and Goldar, but it is as difficult as Zordon had told them it would be.  The Rangers then formed the Thunder Ultrazord and defeated Goldar and Scorpina.  Scorpina and Goldar retreated.  The night of the vice versa dance arrived.  Kimberly stands on the sidelines with Adam, Aisha, and Tommy.  It is obvious that Adam is bummed.  Kimberly and Aisha try to cheer him up.  Tommy teases Adam, telling him it could be worse.  Adam could be on a date with Scorpina.  Kimberly and Aisha laugh.  Adam tells them as long as he is with his friends, he will be alright.  Sarah approaches their group and taps Adam on the shoulder.  Sarah tells him she was hoping he would be at the dance.  Adam asks where her date is and she replies she had come by herself.  Adam grins.  Aisha then pipes up from behind him and whispers to Adam to ask her to dance.  Adam does so.  Adam and Sarah joined the crowd on the dance floor.  The two punk girls, who had been pursuing Bulk and Skull for days, grabbed the guys and danced a few steps with them.  The two punk girls then dipped Bulk and Skull over and kissed them.  Bulk and Skull collapsed on the floor as the two punk girls celebrated their victory.  Kimberly and her friends laughed.

The Power Transfer, Part II












Goldar's Vice-Versa


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Young Kimberly - Page One
Young Kimberly - Page Two