Page Twenty-Nine

Alpha 5 is working on the Power Cannon when the alarm goes off.  Alpha 5 tells Zordon that Lord Zedd has unleashed a monster in Angel Grove park.  Zordon senses a Ranger is in trouble.  Kimberly, Tommy, Billy, Aisha, and Rocky teleport in.  Zordon quickly fills them in by having them watch the viewing globe.  Kimberly, Tommy, Billy, Rocky, and Aisha see that Adam is in trouble.  Goldar is successfully draining Adam of all of his confidence.  The five teens want to help their friend, but there are other problems.  Lord Zedd has sent down Skelerena.  Zordon is confident that Adam can overcome Goldar.  The five teens will have to deal with Skelerena without Adam's help.  Kimberly, Tommy, Billy, Rocky, and Aisha morphed and teleport out.  Pink Ranger, White Ranger, Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Red Ranger face down Skelerena.  Skelerena has several Putties with him.  The five Rangers battle the Putties.  They have a difficult time against the Putties.  The five Rangers eventually defeat the Putties, and now they are ready to take on Skelerena.  Meanwhile, Adam has gained back his confidence and Goldar has retreated.  Adam morphs and joins the rest of the Rangers.  Alpha 5 sends them the Power Cannon.  The Rangers use the Power Cannon on Skelerena and destroyed him.

Kimberly was out walking in the park with Billy and Tommy.  She had Adam's kaleidoscope and she was using it.  Kimberly:  "Wow, you guys! Adam's kaleidoscope is really far out."  Several Putties suddenly arrived.  Tommy:  "Lets give these clay brains a lesson."  Kimberly, Tommy, and Billy battled and defeated the Putties.  The ground then began to shake.  Once it stopped, Kimberly spotted a monster.  Kimberly:  "You guys look!  Adam's kaleidoscope!"  Lord Zedd had transform Adam's kaleidoscope into Scatterbrain.  Billy:  "We got to morph."  Tommy:  "You're right."  Tommy:  "Tiger Zord!"  Kimberly:  "Pterodactyl!"  Billy: "Triceratops!"  Pink Ranger and the rest were ready to go into battle.  Scatterbrain shine a beam of light towards them.  The three Rangers stopped.  Soon the three Rangers were demorph.  Kimberly had no memory of who she was or who she was with.  Kimberly ask Tommy is he knew who she was.  He told her no, but added that she sure is cute.  The three teens stood in complete confusion for awhile.  Tommy decided he would look for something to jog his memory.  Billy thought it was a good idea, but the odds were slim.  Kimberly noted Billy's speech and asked him if he was one of those intellectual types?  Billy had no way of knowing.  Three teens approached them.  They had overheard Kimberly and Billy's conversation.  Rocky tells Billy that he is a straight A student.  Billy notes his name - Billy the Brain.  Aisha tells Kimberly her name and that they are best friends.  Kimberly doesn't recognize her at all.  Aisha tells her they go shopping every day.  Kimberly wonders why?  Aisha tells her she had always told her they never need a reason to go shopping.  Kimberly thinks she must be pretty pathetic. 

Mirror Of Regret

When Is A Ranger Not A Ranger?













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Young Kimberly - Page One
Young Kimberly - Page Two