Page Forty-One
Billy asks Alpha 5 if everything is alright and doesn't get an answer. Billy tells his friends something isn't right. Rocky asks Alpha 5 if he is okay? Still no response. Billy tries again, but there is no response. Kimberly, Rocky, Tommy, Aisha, Billy, and Adam become concern. Suddenly Alpha 5 shouts out Rangers, this is an emergency! I will contact you as soon as I can! Aisha comments that Alpha sounds kind of weird. Adam suggests that maybe he is just worried. Kimberly tells her friends they better go. The teens find a quiet area and morph. Pink Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleport to the Spectre Theater. Pink Ranger finds the place creepy. Yellow Ranger agrees. Pink Ranger and the rest of the Rangers begin walking around the strange place. Yellow Ranger asks if someone could please tell her what they are doing in this weird place. White Ranger tells them I guess we are just going to have to wait to hear from Alpha. Suddenly several doors slam shut, startling the Rangers. After awhile, White Ranger tries to contact Alpha 5, but gets no response. Pink Ranger tells White Ranger it's no use. Blue Ranger points out that he's been at it for a long time. Yellow Ranger thinks something has happened to Alpha 5. Red Ranger asks what they should do? Black Ranger points out that Alpha told them to stay put. He must have had a reason. White Ranger agrees and tells them we will give it a little longer. The Power Rangers continue to explore the place. Red Ranger feels something is wrong here. Black Ranger agrees. We've been here over an hour and not a word from Alpha. Yellow Ranger suggests they just stay put. Blue Ranger agrees. So does White Ranger. He suggests they stay here, a walkway above the entry, where they can keep an eye on things. Red Ranger feels something and asks the others if they do. Black Ranger does and asks what is it? Pink Ranger feels it as well and notes it is getting stronger. Blue Ranger tries to figure out where it is coming from. He notes the direction and suddenly Invenusable Flytrap appears in a corner. The Rangers are very surprised to see the monster. In the opposite direction, Soccadillo and Saliguana appear. The Rangers are taken aback by more monsters. White Ranger notes they have no room to maneuver up here. White Ranger instructs for everyone to go down on the deck. The Rangers leap off the walkway and onto the deck below. Eye Guy is waiting for them below. Soccadillo and another monster, Grumble Bee are also down on the deck. Peckster has made it below as well. White Ranger tells the team there is too many of them and they try to teleport out, but they can't. Black Ranger notes it's not working. Pink Ranger tells the team they will have to fight everyone and to call on their power weapons. When they call upon their power weapons, none appear. Yet another past monster appears, Dramole. Dramole sings poor little Rangers, they're all doomed. Pink Ranger asks what are they going to do? No one has an answer for her.
Inside Spectre Theater, Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Power Rangers are surrounded by various monsters as Dramole continues to sing. Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers without their weapons, the only thing they can do is split up and try to wear them down. White Ranger agrees and the Rangers split up to fight the various monsters. White Ranger battles Soccadillo as Pink Ranger battles Invenusable Flytrap. Black Ranger battles Saliguana. Saliguana knocks Black Ranger down. Blue Ranger battles Dramole and he is knocked down as well. Pink Ranger continues her battle with Invenusable Flytrap. Yellow Ranger battles Robogoat. Saliguana asks Black Ranger what's the matter? Black Ranger replies shouldn't you be in a swamp somewhere? Saliguana growls and knocks Black Ranger to the ground once more. Red Ranger races over and makes sure Black Ranger is okay. White Ranger knocks Soccadillo to the side and calls out a warning to Black Ranger and Red Ranger. Grumble Bee leaps in ready to battle. Red Ranger battles Grumble Bee. The Rangers have a difficult time against all the monsters. Yellow Ranger is up in a balcony battling Eye Guy. Pink Ranger is still battling Invenusable Flytrap. Eye Guy grabs Yellow Ranger's arm and throws her off the balcony. She lands on the floor by the rest of the Rangers. White Ranger asks if she is hurt? Yellow Ranger is okay as she is helped back up by Black Ranger and White Ranger. Soccadillo wants to strike the Rangers all at once and get rid of them. Grumble Bee replies no! They have to be in one piece. They are Rita's wedding present to Lord Zedd. Peckster is positive Lord Zedd won't mind if a few pieces are missing. Yellow Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, so that is what this is all about. Rita and Zedd getting married. White Ranger tells his friends it was bad enough having one evil lunatic on the moon. Blue Ranger reminds his friends none of this will make a difference if we don't get away from these monsters. Pink Ranger suggests the hidden stairwell we found awhile back. White Ranger thinks it's a good idea. He tells his friends they will split up and meet there later. Pink Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are quietly walking around Spectre Theater. As they go down a set of stairs, White Ranger warns the rest of the Rangers to keep their eyes open - those monsters could be right behind us. After awhile, the Rangers enter a room. Blue Ranger leads the way, telling the rest of the Rangers that the monsters are blocking the main entrance, but logically there's got to be another way out. The Rangers run into Snizzard and Robogoat. The Rangers quickly run in the opposite direction. Robogoat calls them Powerless Rangers and shouts after them we only want to play! Soon, Blue Ranger informs the rest of the Rangers he has found a lower level, it could be the way out they have been searching for. The rest of the Rangers follow Blue Ranger down a flight of stairs. They end up in a cave underneath the theater. White Ranger sees a light. White Ranger and the rest of the Rangers go towards it. Yellow Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers to hurry, she can hear the monsters coming. As they get closer to the light, White Ranger notes the fresh air. The Rangers hurry towards the fresh air and light. The Power Rangers make it outside and keep running. White Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they have to stay clear of the theater and hopes they will get their powers again. Unfortunately, Lord Zedd learned of their escape. He throws one grow bomb after another down. On the ground, Rhinoblaster and Peckster catch Lord Zedd's grow bombs and become giant size. Peckster states have fear, the Peckster is here. Rhinoblaster simply growls. Yellow Ranger summons her Griffin Thunderzord. Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger summon their zords. The Thunder Megazord is formed. White Ranger summons Tigerzord. Tigerzord arrives and White Ranger leaps in and then commands White Tigerzord, Warrior Mode! White Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, let's take them down! White Tigerzord in Warrior Mode and Thunder Megazord face down Peckster and Rhinoblaster. Rhinoblaster warns them to be prepare to meet their end. Peckster runs towards White Tigerzord. White Tigerzord gives a mega punch that hits Peckster and sends him flying and landing on the ground hard. Peckster tells Rhinoblaster to get them. Rhinoblaster has a sword and he is ready for battle. Thunder Megazord and Rhinoblaster battle. Blue Ranger warns the rest of the Rangers to be careful to avoid his sword. Thunder Megazord knocks Rhinoblaster to the ground. Rhinoblaster quickly gets back up. Peckster has recovered and is ready to battle once more. White Ranger asks Saba if he has any ideas? Saba suggests the White Tiger Thunderbolt. White Ranger likes the idea and puts it into action. Peckster runs towards White Tigerzord, ready to give it a peck in the neck. The White Tiger Thunderbolts hits Peckster several times. Rhinoblaster uses his sword to blast energy at Thunder Megazord. The Thunder Megazord is hit. Rhinoblaster laughs. Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they have sustain serious damage. Red Ranger suggests they try again. Peckster warns them it will take more than that to get rid of him. Peckster extends his wings out and starts flapping them. Saba tells White Ranger one focus blow should finish them. White Ranger replies I'll concentrate all our power into one big burst. Peckster taunts White Tigerzord, asking what are you waiting for? Rhinoblaster adds they must be taking their lunch break in there! Thunder Megazord and White Tigerzord prepare to fire. Rhinoblaster hits Thunder Megazord hard. Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, suddenly all the power has shut down. The Thunder Megazord has taken a major hit. Peckster fires as well and hits White Tigerzord. Rhinoblaster uses his horn to fire at Thunder Megazord and White Tigerzord. Both are hit and the Rangers have to eject. Alpha 5, who had been watching the battle on the viewing globe, then teleports the Rangers back to the theater. The Rangers are very surprised to find themselves back in Specter Theater. Yellow Ranger does not like being back in this creepy place. Pink Ranger wonders how they got back here. Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers it felt like we were teleported. Red Ranger tells the rest that's impossible. The Rangers sit on the stairs as Blue Ranger paces back and forth trying to contact Alpha 5 or Zordon. He gets no response. Pink Ranger confides that she is really worried. Something must have happened. White Ranger tells them not to get down. Remember there's strength in numbers. Pink Ranger asks the rest of the Rangers, what about the zords? What happened to them? White Ranger tells them it was like someone shut the power switch off. Rhinoblaster and Peckster teleport in. They taunt the Rangers by telling them they are Lord Zedd's wedding present. All wrapped up and ready to go! Blue Ranger groans, not you two again. Peckster tells them they will be right outside the door if they need them. Rhinoblaster and Peckster teleport out. Pink Ranger wonders how are they going to get out of here, with those two right behind the door. Black Ranger adds and if we do get out, how do we stop Zedd from sending us back? White Ranger reminds them that they have been in worse spots. We're just going to stick together guys. The rest of the Rangers agree. Pink Ranger adds we can do it.
Inside Spectre Theater, White Ranger and Red Ranger are kept busy battling the Putties. One of the Putties tries to battle Peckster. Peckster knocks him down and concludes this batch of Putties have been in the oven too long. Peckster decides to join in the battle. Peckster battles White Ranger. White Ranger has an easy time against Peckster. Grabbing his beak and holding it at one point. Red Ranger battles Rhinoblaster. After kicking Rhinoblaster aside, Red Ranger pounds the floor with his fist, sending shock waves through the theater. Red Ranger kicks Rhinoblaster. White Ranger kicks Peckster. Rhinoblaster and Peckster crash into each other. Later, the Rangers are exploring the theater. Yellow Ranger thought they would never get away from those monsters. White Ranger warns them there could be more hiding anywhere. Blue Ranger wonders what it is about this place that blocks our powers? Unfortunately the two monsters are still guarding the door. Pink Ranger notes without our powers, we can't get past the monsters. White Ranger tells them they need to use their brain power. Peckster's head drops in the middle of their circle and laughs at them. Lasers shoot out of his head. Peckster's head flies away. Black Ranger is angry, that does it. Pink Ranger adds we got to escape. Blue Ranger tells them he has an idea on how they can get out of here The Rangers gather in a huddle. Soon, Yellow Ranger is by herself. She starts calling out, monsters! Yellow Ranger walks down the steps and onto a landing. She is still calling out for the monsters. Yellow Ranger states Peckster, I realize I'm no match for you. I'm giving myself up. She walks towards some doors and asks if they are in there. The doors swing open and out steps Peckster and Rhinoblaster. Peckster is happy that Yellow Ranger finally admitted defeat. Yellow Ranger backs away as Peckster and Rhinoblaster walk towards her. From above a net falls and it lands on Peckster and Rhinoblaster. They are trapped and unable to get out from the net. The rest of the Rangers hurry down the stairs. They meet Yellow Ranger at the bottom of the stairs. Black Ranger and Yellow Ranger high five each other. Pink Ranger is happy that it worked. White Ranger tells the team now we escape to the caves. The Rangers leave quickly for the caves. Soon, the Rangers are racing across the desert. White Ranger is leading the group. They pause for a moment. Invenusable Flytrap and Saliguana appear. The Rangers run to get away from the two monsters. Invenusable Flytrap and Saliguana follow them. The Rangers pause again as White Ranger tries to figure out where the Command Center is. Soccadillo takes advantage of this and grabs White Ranger's leg. White Ranger manages to shake him off. The Rangers take off running. Soccadillo laughs and shouts out, that's it, run away. A few feet away, Dramole laughs at them as well. As the Rangers run, White Ranger spots the Command Center. He tells the rest there it is, we are almost home free. The Rangers run towards the Command Center. Several Putties are right behind them. Robogoat and Lizzinator run into each other and fall to the ground. The Rangers managed to get inside the Command Center. Tommy asks Alpha 5 what happened? Where's Zordon? Alpha 5 pretends he doesn't know what they are talking about. Billy notices there is something wrong with Alpha 5. Billy offers to help him, and Alpha 5 tells him he doesn't need his help. Billy doesn't listen and quickly removes the disc that reprogrammed Alpha 5. Billy announces someone reprogrammed him. Alpha 5 immediately returns to normal. Alpha 5 asks what happened? Tommy notes they fixed Alpha 5, but what about Zordon? Billy quickly gets to work on the control panel. Soon Zordon is back. Zordon compliments them, telling them excellent work Rangers. Alpha 5 asks what was the problem? Zordon replies what's important is that Billy has fixed it. Billy acknowledges the gratitude of his friends. Zordon tells them, Rangers, Alpha 5 reprogramming and your imprisonment must have had some purpose. Zordon asks them what else has happened? Tommy replies that Rita and Lord Zedd got married. Zordon tells them, very disturbing news indeed. Together they will be difficult to defeat. The alarm goes off. Alpha 5 panics, monsters attacking! Zordon tells them they must go. Sensors indicate Lord Zedd has made his army of monsters grow and they have entered Angel Grove. Alpha 5 gets to work, downloading the monster's coordinates. Zordon informs the Rangers that their powers have been fully restored, now that they are far from the theater. Nonetheless, you are outnumbered by the monsters. May the power protect you. The teens teleport out. White Ranger summons White Tiger Zord. The rest of the Rangers summon their zords. When the zords arrive, the Rangers leap into them. The Thunder Megazord is formed. White Ranger has Tigerzord go into warrior mode. Thunder Megazord and White Tigerzord face down giant size Saliguana, Robogoat, Dramole, Grumble Bee, Soccadillo, and Eye Guy. Grumble Bee, Dramole, Robogoat, Saliguana, and Soccadillo charge towards Thunder Megazord and White Tigerzord. Thunder Megazord powerfully hits Grumble Bee. Grumble Bee goes flying and hits the ground. White Tigerzord hits Dramole and he hits the ground as well. Grumble Bee gets back up and tells them now they will be sorry. Grumble Bee shoots several stinger weapons at Thunder Megazord. Thunder Megazord is hit several times and falls to the ground. Grumble Bee boasts, kind of stings, doesn't it? Thunder Megazord gets back up and into the battle. Thunder Megazord pulls out it's sword. Thunder Megazord walks towards Grumble Bee. Grumble Bee claims he is not afraid, but walks backwards, trying to stay away from the sword. Thunder Megazord strikes Grumble Bee and he hits the ground once more. Eye Guy and White Tigerzord battle. Eye Guy fires lasers out of his eyes and White Tigerzord is hit. White Tigerzord returns fire to Eye Guy. Thunder Megazord goes after Dramole. Dramole releases his gas. Thunder Megazord is still for a moment, but then fires gas back at Dramole. Dramole goes flying through the air and hits the ground. Robogoat strikes Thunder Megazord with it's staff. Thunder Megazord pulls out it's sword. Robogoat laughs. Robogoat claims that butter knife doesn't stand a chance against my robo staff. Thunder Megazord's sword slices it in half. Saliguana starts battling Tigerzord. Saliguana threatens to turn up the heat. Saliguana shoots out fire towards White Tigerzord. Saliguana is happy when White Tigerzord goes down. But it is only for a moment. White Tigerzord kicks Saliguana, knocking him to the ground. White Ranger tells him so long! Soccadillo leaps into the battle. White Tigerzord punches him and he goes flying and lands rolling onto the ground. Soccadillo quickly gets back up and claims it didn't hurt. White Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, to finish him guys. Thunder Megazord uses it's sword to strike and destroy Soccadillo. White Tigerzord uses it's weapons to destroy Eye Guy. Thunder Megazord strikes and destroys Dramole with it's sword. White Tigerzord fires it's weapons and destroys Robogoat. Thunder Megazord slashes it's sword against Saliguana and destroys him. White Tigerzord fires it's weapons and destroys Grumble Bee. White Ranger exclaims that will teach you not to mess with the Power Rangers! Afterwards, the teens teleport back to Australia. Kimberly quickly picks up her bags. They can hear their chaperone calling out their names and wondering where they are at. The chaperone soon finds them. She tells them I said two hours you guys, come on, we got to get on to the museum. Kimberly apologizes. Tommy robs his hands together and tells his friends, let's continue with our vacation. Rocky agrees.
At Angel Grove High School, Miss Appleby is giving her class an assignment. What period in history would you have liked to lived? These are the subjects for your assignment. The bell rings. Miss Appleby tells her class to enjoy their three day weekend. Miss Appleby erases her chalkboard as Kimberly and the rest of the students leave her class. The students head outside. Kimberly and Aisha walk together towards a table discussing the assignment. Kimberly would definitely go back to last year, when the Galleria was having a huge sale, and she was out sick with the flu. Aisha laughs and tells Kimberly, I think we are suppose to go back a little farther in time. Adam and Billy are already sitting at the table when Kimberly and Aisha join them. Tommy and Rocky walk up. They are also discussing the assignment. Rocky thinks he would like to be in Viking times. Tommy would have liked to lived in the times of King Arthur. Rocky asks Billy what period of time would you have liked to live in? Billy replies, that's an easy one. Back in the 30's with Albert Einstein. Of course, I would have to be his assistant. Everyone chuckles. Adam confesses this assignment is a tough one for him. Aisha tries to encourage him, there's got to be some period of time you would be interested in. Adam tells them maybe the renaissance, everything seem romantic. The guys laugh, but the girls think it is sweet. Kimberly goes over her homework assignments. She's got her math and history done, that just leaves English. Later, Kimberly and Tommy are holding hands and walking together. Tommy asks Kimberly what's she up to this weekend? Kimberly replies, the weather is so nice outside, I might sit outside and read a book. Kimberly asks Tommy if he wants to join her, and he replies yes. They walk over to a bench and sit together, facing each other. Tommy asks Kimberly if she wants to catch a movie later, but Kimberly had already made plans with Aisha to go to the mall. Kimberly asks Tommy if he would like to join them? Kimberly spots Skull and Bulk crawling on their knees, behind their bench. Kimberly speaks to the guys and the guys stand up on their knees. Tommy asks them if they are okay? Skull and Bulk reply in a monotone voice, that they are okay. Skull and Bulk, still on their knees, start to walk away. Tommy tells Kimberly, he worries about those two sometimes. Kimberly laughs. Skull and Bulk creep up behind Tommy to cut off a piece of his hair. Tommy feels the tug and quickly turns around. He asks Skull and Bulk, what are they doing?! They reply, nothing. Skull and Bulk quickly walk away. Kimberly asks Tommy, what was that about? Tommy replies, with those two, who knows. Kimberly tells Tommy she better go meet Aisha and asks him, once more, if he wants to go? Tommy tells her he has to go work out, but he will meet them there. With plans in place, Kimberly and Tommy leave. While at the mall, Alpha 5 contacts Kimberly and Aisha and has them go to the park. Kimberly, Aisha, Billy, Adam, and Rocky arrive at the park. Several of Zedd's Putties head their way. Kimberly battles a few on her own. Even throwing one into the fence. Tommy battles a batch of Zedd's Putties. Billy leaps into the fight and battles a couple of Zedd's Putties. Rocky fights yet even more Zedd's Putties. Aisha battles two Zedd's Putties on her own. Tommy is grabbed by two of Zedd's Putties as the rest of his friends continue to battle the rest of Zedd's Putties. Adam battles another batch of Zedd's Putties until he has defeated them. Two of Zedd's Putties still have a hold of Tommy when the Wizard of Deception appears. The Wizard of Deception uses his wand to knock Tommy out. The Putties knock Tommy to the ground and hold him there. Another of Zedd's Putties has a pair of scissors and cuts off a piece of Tommy's hair and gives it to the Wizard of Deception. The Wizard of Deception laughs and vanishes. Three of Zedd's Putties leap and dance around Tommy before they vanish as well. Tommy slowly sits up. The rest of the teens have defeated their batch of Zedd's Putties. Kimberly is happy until she spots Tommy. She is joined by Aisha and Rocky. Adam and Billy race over to Tommy and help him up. Billy thinks they need to contact Zordon. Rocky agrees. Maybe he can tells us who that lizard dude was. Kimberly also wants to know why he seems to be after Tommy. Kimberly, Aisha, Rocky, Adam, and Tommy wait as Billy walks up. Billy tells them according to Zordon, the wizard has the ability to create an illusion that than becomes reality. Aisha asks, like a nightmare that becomes true? Billy replies, exactly. Kimberly notices that Tommy is not looking so well and asks him if he is okay? Tommy replies that he is okay, just has a headache. Rocky is confident that if they all stay alert they can beat him. Aisha hopes Rocky is right. Adam wants to know what their next move is. Billy replies that Zordon had said there is nothing they can really do right now. Billy suggests they just go on with their day. Tommy reminds them to keep an eye on their communicators at all times. Tommy walks over to Kimberly and tells her he is going to skip out on the mall today. Tommy tells his friends he is going to go home and take care of this headache. Kimberly suggests aspirin. Kimberly, Aisha, Rocky, Adam, and Billy watch Tommy walk away. After awhile, "Tommy" contacts them. Billy responds, and asks what's up? "Tommy" replies that something has come up. Meet me at the Angel Grove city limit's sign at the outskirts of town, right away. See you there. Billy replies you got it Tommy. "Tommy" grins. "Tommy" waits beneath the city limit's sign. Billy, Aisha, Rocky, Adam, and Kimberly come running up to him. "Tommy" quickly stands up and faces them. Kimberly asks him, what's going on? "Tommy" replies, that he's not too sure. Zordon had told him they should all meet here. Billy is ready to contact Zordon to see what's happening. "Tommy" quickly tells him no. Look, Zordon gave us our orders, right? Adam agrees. Zordon must have a reason. Suddenly they all hear the sound of the Wizard of Deception laughing. He is in a tree above them. Adam is ready to morph, but "Tommy" stops him. Billy starts to question "Tommy". "Tommy" tells them, they are way too late. Kimberly, Billy, Aisha, Rocky, and Adam realize something is wrong. Kimberly pleads with "Tommy", no. "Tommy" simply smiles and walks away as Kimberly asks him, what's going on? Rocky replies, he's turning on us, that's what. The Wizard of Deception uses his wand to cast another spell. Kimberly, Rocky, Adam, Billy, and Aisha feel the effects of the spell and cling to the city limit's sign. The teens arrive in a strange place. With their sudden appearance, the citizens run in terror. Adam wonders where are we? Billy takes a look around and believes, even though Kimberly doesn't want to know, Angel Grove, late 1700s. Aisha glances at the city limit's sign and notes the population is 124. A woman accuses them of being witches. This accusation panics the rest of the town, except for one young girl. Rocky tries to tell them they don't understand, but no one listens. Billy tries to explain, we're just from a different place and time. The citizens cry for help and soon a small group of the British regiment began searching for the disturbance. Meanwhile, the young girl had found a hiding place. Aisha tells her friends, they are never going to believe us. Adam suggests they go and the five teens run through the town. The British regiment is quick to spot them and chase after them. Terrified citizens hide in their homes. The young girl spots the five teens and leads them to a hiding place, inside a building. Kimberly, Aisha, Adam, Billy, and Rocky hurry inside and shut the door. The young girl is with them. They are all silent as the British regiment searches outside the building - commenting on how they just vanished, convinced that the teens are witches.
The British regiment passes by the building as the teens stay silent. After they pass, the young woman introduces herself, Marissa. Adam introduces himself and his friends. Kimberly wants to know why everyone is calling them witches? Billy replies, because in the olden days, anyone considered different or unusual, were accused of being witches. Marissa questions the expression, olden days? Aisha replies they can explain everything, I think. Rocky urges Billy to try. Billy starts asking Marissa if she has ever wondered what Angel Grove would be like in the future? Soon, Billy finishes his explanation of how they traveled back in time and ended up here. Adam reassures Marissa not to worry. He knows it's hard to understand all this. Adam and Marissa smile at each other. Marissa can't imagine Angel Grove two hundred years from now. Marissa asks what's it like? Kimberly replies, awesome. You have to see the malls. The shops in it are so cool. Aisha adds the makeup department at the super store is amazing. Marissa has never heard of a super store. Kimberly replies, we'll tell you about it later. Rocky thinks that's a good idea, because they need to find a way to get out of here. Adam suggests contacting Zordon. Billy has doubts that their communicator signal will get through, but anything is worth a shot. Billy tries to contact Alpha 5 and Zordon. As Billy makes his attempt to contact Zordon, two of the British soldiers walk around the building the teens are hiding in. They hear voices inside and creep around to enter the building. Inside, Billy cannot get a hold of Zordon. Rocky wonders if that means they will be trapped here forever. Kimberly is confident that Tommy will come and rescue them. Billy is not so sure - assuming he knows where to look. Remember we are two hundred years in the past. Kimberly urges Billy to keep trying. Billy tries once more, but gets not response. Kimberly and Aisha exchange worried looks. Kimberly tells her friends they got to do something. Rocky suggests they morph. Suddenly one of the British soldiers pops up from behind a wired window. The group is startled. Kimberly is puzzled when she sees the British solider looks like Skull. The British solider replies what? Then he sees Marissa and tells her she will be punished for helping these witches. Marissa tells him they are not witches. Adam tells them to leave Marissa alone. Kimberly asks her friends, what are we going to do? No one has an answer for her. Adam tells Billy we can't morph now. Kimberly agrees, Marissa shouldn't be punished for helping us. Marissa becomes upset. Billy tells them he will take care of it and steps forward to talk to the two British soldiers. Billy tells them if they can give him a minute of their time, he thinks he can explain everything. When Billy finishes explaining the situation, Rocky adds to Billy's story that we too are citizens of Angel Grove. The British solider will have none of it. He places them all under arrest. Kimberly doesn't think they bought Billy's story. Rocky asks if his friends are ready? Adam grabs Marissa and they all take off running. The British regiment pursues them throughout the chase through the town and a herd of sheep. Kimberly and her friends reach the outskirts of town and a dirt road. A horse drawn wagon is on the road and Marissa has them run towards the wagon - confident that her uncle will help them. The British regiment is still on their heels. Kimberly and her friends reach the wagon and climb aboard. Marissa tells her Uncle Ben they need his help. Kimberly thanks him. Uncle Ben replies you are all right now lads and lassies. Kimberly asks her friends to take a look at Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben turns around and he looks a lot like Bulk. Uncle Ben reassures them they will be at his house in a short while. The British Regiment go the wrong way on the path and they lose them. Soon they settle in at Uncle Ben's home, Billy keeps a lookout as Kimberly, Adam, Marissa, Aisha, and Rocky relax. Uncle Ben steps out as Billy walks up. Billy tells them it looks like we finally lost those soldiers. Adam thanks Marissa. Aisha complains to Rocky that his foot is tickling her back. Rocky backs away as he tells her that's not my foot. Aisha screams as she gets up and runs. Its rats. Uncle Ben and Marissa are amused by Aisha being so frighten over rats. Aisha tells them not to laugh, she hates rats. The Wizard of Deception suddenly appears on top of a building. The Wizard of Deception tells them that's good to know. Then you will especially enjoy what I have planned for you next. The Wizard of Deception laughs. Uncle Ben is prepared to fight, but Marissa pulls him back. Rocky can't believe it - not you again! The Wizard of Deception tells them he thought he would bring a bit of news from home. The city is about to be destroyed. Too bad you are not there to see it. Adam tells him he will never get away with it. The Wizard of Deception remarks, but I already have. Now did someone say something about rats. The Wizard of Deceptions casts a spell on the rats and now there are three human size rats. Everyone becomes frighten. Billy tells his friends, he thinks it's time. Kimberly, Adam, Rocky, Aisha, and Billy prepare to morph, but nothing happens. Kimberly notes it's not working. Billy realizes that because they have been transported two hundred years before they met Zordon, they have no powers here. Adam suggests they try and take them. Billy thinks its too risky. We don't know what they are capable of. Kimberly runs over to Uncle Ben and Marissa. Kimberly tells them to run and she runs with them. Adam, Rocky, Aisha, and Billy also take off running. The Wizard of Deception laughs as he watches them run. You really think you can get away. The Wizard of Deception blasts a small shed. This startles Kimberly, Adam, Billy, Aisha, and Rocky, but they quickly continue to run. The Wizard of Deception tells the rats I will leave you now to have some fun. Do what you wish. The three rats take off running.
Kimberly, Billy, Aisha, Adam, Rocky and the citizens are still running from the giant rats. They all end up in front of a platform, while the rats stay in the woods. Suddenly White Ranger appears on the platform. Kimberly, Rocky, Aisha, and Billy are very happy to see him. White Ranger is glad they are safe. White Ranger tells them I've come to take you back, but we got to hurry. Green Ranger has unleashed Dragonzord on Angel Grove. Aisha is concern, we can't just leave these people with these giant rats running around. Kimberly walks up to the platform and stands next to White Ranger. White Ranger tells Aisha there is no time for that right now. We'll come back and finish off those dirty rats. Adam asks Marissa to come with them. There is so much I want to show you. Marissa declines. This is my world, you must return to yours. Marissa gives him a kiss on his check. Rocky grabs his arm and leads him up to the platform. Marissa is sad to see Adam leave. White Ranger tells the crowd not to worry. We will come back and take care of those rats. Rocky, Aisha, Billy, and Adam scrambled up onto the platform. Adam tells Marissa that he will never forget her. Kimberly, Adam, Billy, White Ranger, Rocky, and Aisha cling to each other. White Ranger uses the wand and they vanish. Kimberly, White Ranger, Aisha, Billy, Rocky, and Adam arrived in the park where Green Ranger and the Wizard of Deception are waiting. White Ranger tells his friends to morph and shut down Dragonzord. White Ranger will take care of Green Ranger and the Wizard of Deception. Kimberly, Adam, Billy, Aisha, and Rocky morph. They summon their Thunderzords and they soon arrive. Thunder Megazord is formed. Thunder Megazord faces down Dragonzord. Back at the park, White Ranger faces down the Wizard of Deception and Green Ranger. White Ranger uses the wand against the Wizard of Deception. The Wizard of Deception is hit and destroyed. White Ranger tells Green Ranger he is finally free from the wizard's evil spell. Green Ranger feels like such a fool. White Ranger tells him you control the Dragonzord. You can stop it. Green Ranger tells him, he can't. White Ranger tells him, he has to. Meanwhile, Thunder Megazord and Dragonzord battle. Thunder Megazord lands a punch on Dragonzord, knocking him to the ground. The Rangers are excited. Red Ranger thinks if they jolt him hard enough, they can break the spell. Dragonzord gets back up. Dragonzord uses it's tail against Thunder Megazord. Dragonzord fires several missiles at Thunder Megazord. Thunder Megazord is not hit and starts walking towards Dragonzord. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, let's finish the job. The Rangers call on the thunder saber. Thunder Megazord is about to strike, when White Ranger comes running up, yelling at them to wait. Guys, you don't need to do that now! Wait! Stop! Inside the Thunder Megazord, the rest of the Rangers do not hear White Ranger and call for the thunder saber, battle action! Green Ranger realizes White Ranger is right and he must stop Dragonzord. Green Ranger starts playing the Dragon Dagger. The evil spell is broken and Dragonzord falls to the ground. Green Ranger exclaims, the wizard's spell is broken! Inside the Thunder Megazord, the rest of the Rangers are jubilant. Green Ranger knows it's time to return the Dragonzord to the sea. He plays the Dragon Dagger once more. Dragonzord gets back up and heads back into the sea. Saba wants to know what to do with two Tommys. White Ranger replies, we will figure something out. Dragonzord sinks beneath the water. White Ranger and Green Ranger go to the past and fight the giant rats. Once they are defeated, White Ranger uses the wizard's wand to revert the rats back to normal size. Green Ranger makes the decision to stay in the past, while White Ranger returns to present time. Rocky and Tommy are sparring. Kimberly, Adam, Billy, and Aisha are sitting at a table with their homework. Adam is lost in thought. Aisha tells her friends, she is so glad Zordon destroyed that magic wand. Kimberly agrees, that thing was bad news. Tommy has overheard their conversation and adds there was some good that came out of it. Rocky notices that Adam is lost in thought and asks him what's up? Adam replies he's just thinking. Kimberly, Billy, Tommy, Aisha, and Rocky all know who Adam is thinking about. Billy tries to comfort Adam by telling him at least we know they are all okay now. This really doesn't make Adam feel any better. A couple of students walk pass. One accidentally knocks the books out of the other. The girl kneels down to pick up her stuff. Adam offers to help and starts to gather some of her things. Kimberly and Aisha look at each other as they realize the girl looks like Marissa. The girl looks up at Adam. Adam is taken aback at who the girl looks like. Kimberly, Aisha, and Rocky all smile, happy for their friend. The girl smiles and Adam smiles back at her.
Angel Grove High School is having student elections. Signs and banners are posted everywhere. Kimberly, Aisha, Tommy, and Billy are walking together through the halls. Aisha spots one of the signs and points it out to her friends. Billy asks Tommy if he ever thought about being school president. Tommy is unsure - it's kind of a big responsibility. Billy agrees that it is. Billy wants Tommy to think of the thrill of the political process. A real chance to make a difference. Billy adds that if Tommy runs, he will be his campaign manager. Tommy is still unsure and asks Kimberly what she thinks? Kimberly replies I think you would make a great president. With Kimberly's support, Tommy decides to go for school president. Billy and Tommy walk off as Kimberly and Aisha head over to their lockers. At the lockers, Aisha tells Kimberly that sometimes the best man for the job is a woman. Aisha thinks Kimberly should run for president. Kimberly is unsure about running against Tommy. Aisha doesn't see any problems. Aisha points out that they are good friends, that would make it a good clean race. Besides, we need more women involved in school academics. Kimberly gets excited about the idea. Kimberly and Aisha walk over to Tommy and Billy. Kimberly asks Tommy how he would feel if she decided to run for student president. Tommy thinks it's a great idea. At least one of them will win. Tommy shakes Kimberly's hand and wishes her good luck. After school, Kimberly and Tommy are walking in the park. Tommy compliments Kimberly on her campaign slogans and Kimberly returns the compliment. Kimberly is very happy that they can run against each other and get along so well. They are unaware of Baboo and Squatt hiding behind some bushes. Baboo and Squatt spot Kimberly and Tommy and quickly spread out the magic rope across the sidewalk. Baboo plans to pull it when they go by. Kimberly and Tommy are laughing and talking and do not see the magic rope. They trip over it and fall onto the sidewalk. They are instantly put under the spell. Tommy gets up and blames Kimberly for getting in the way and making him fall. Kimberly slaps his offered hand away and gets up. Kimberly accuses Tommy of pushing her out of the way. Kimberly and Tommy get into each other's faces. Tommy tells her she can't take a little competition. Kimberly laughs and replies you're the one who can't take it. That's why I'm going to beat you so badly in the elections. Kimberly and Tommy storm off in different directions. The next day, at Angel Grove High School, Kimberly and Aisha walk up to Billy and Tommy. Kimberly greets them by calling them losers. So you still think you're going to beat me? Kimberly laughs. Tommy tells her to laugh it up. He's going to win. I'll prove it to you. A student walks pass and Tommy immediately stops him and asks you're going to vote for me for school president, right? Kimberly walks up too and gives him one of her flyers and tells the student he's going to vote for her. The student manages to get away. Tommy tells Billy let's fix some more posters. Tommy deliberately walks between Kimberly and Aisha. Billy asks him to wait, but Tommy keeps going. Billy and Aisha exchange concerned looks and Billy asks her, what is going on? Aisha has no answers and Billy walks away. As Kimberly makes adjustments to Tommy's poster, Aisha asks her what is going on? Why are you so competitive? Aisha notices the changes to Tommy's poster and comments that's really mean. Kimberly replies, he started it okay. Now I'm going to finish him no matter what. Kimberly walks away, telling Aisha to come along. Aisha reluctantly follows Kimberly. Later, Kimberly is at her locker, looking over some papers when Aisha, Billy, Adam, and Rocky walk up. Aisha tells Kimberly that they need to talk. She tells her that her campaign has gotten completely out of control. Kimberly doesn't think there is anything wrong with wanting to win at all costs. Rocky's communicator goes off. Kimberly, Aisha, Billy, and Adam gather close to Rocky. Rocky tells Zordon, we read you Zordon. What's going on? Zordon tells them that Tommy needs their help in the park. Zordon continues, you must go immediately. Kimberly mutters figures as she slams her locker door shut. Kimberly, Rocky, Aisha, Billy, and Adam morph. Pink Ranger, Black Ranger, Red Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Blue Ranger arrive in the park. They quickly spot White Ranger battling the Putties and Goldar. Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, our friend is in trouble guys, you know what to do. Pink Ranger, Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger race over to the fight. Red Ranger leaps in and kicks a Putty away. Red Ranger battles and defeats another Putty. Red Ranger tells White Ranger that they are here and ask if he is okay. White Ranger replies he is. Red Ranger tells him they will take on these goons. Soon Red Ranger is knocked to the ground. Pink Ranger hurries over and asks if he is okay? Red Ranger tells her they want Tommy. We got to help him. Pink Ranger groans and mutters he can't do anything right. I'll help him. Pink Ranger leaps into the fight. Pink Ranger is battling a couple of Putties when White Ranger walks up and asks what is she doing? Pink Ranger tells him, that he is useless. Why don't you let me handle this before you get hurt. Pink Ranger and White Ranger face each other. Pink Ranger knocks down another Putty with her hand gestures, but she is unaware of it as she is too angry with White Ranger to pay attention to anything else. Pink Ranger calls White Ranger an arrogant airhead. White Ranger walks away. Pink Ranger follows, stepping on the back of a Putty as she makes her way towards White Ranger. Goldar stares in confusion as Pink Ranger yells at White Ranger, just inches away from Goldar. Pink Ranger taunts White Ranger that he can't take the competition. Pink Ranger and White Ranger yell at each other, paying no attention to Goldar. Goldar places his hand on Pink Ranger's shoulder and she pushes it away, telling him to buzz off. Pink Ranger and White Ranger's argument continues until Goldar gets fed up. He grabs Pink Ranger and knocks her to the ground. A couple of Putties grab White Ranger. Goldar laughs and takes Saba. Goldar tells White Ranger your bad day just got worse! Goldar laughs. White Ranger tells Goldar to give back Saba. You don't know what you are doing. Saba demands that Goldar put him down. White Ranger breaks free from the Putties holding him. He battles and defeats them. Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Black Ranger are fighting another group of Putties. During the battle, Blue Ranger notices that Goldar has Saba. Pink Ranger is battling another set of Putties. White Ranger vows he will get Saba back. Goldar starts to walk away. White Ranger yells at Goldar to hold it right there! During her battle with the Putties, Pink Ranger notices White Ranger running towards Goldar. Pink Ranger leaves the battle to run after Goldar too. White Ranger tells her to leave it to a professional. Pink Ranger and White Ranger end up bumping into each other and they fall to the ground. White Ranger immediately blames Pink Ranger. Pink Ranger blames White Ranger. They both get up and get into each other's face as they yell at each other. The rest of the Rangers run up to break them up. Goldar turns around and laughs at the Power Rangers. Goldar thinks it's time to see what Saba can do. Saba fires at the Rangers and they are hit. The Rangers fall to the ground. Goldar declares, now that is what I call fun! Red Ranger notes Goldar has figured out how to use Saba. They have to pull back. The teens arrive in the Command Center. Billy tells Zordon that Goldar has captured Saba. Tommy immediately blames Kimberly. I could have taken him back if she hadn't gotten in the way. Kimberly replies that his ponytail is too tight. Kimberly and Tommy start to argue until Billy stops them. Billy asks Zordon if it is possible that Kimberly and Tommy are under a spell? That might explain why they are acting so irrationally. Zordon asks Alpha 5 to run a diagnostic scan on them. Alpha 5 does so. Zordon tells Billy his suspicions were correct. Rita has placed them under a powerful spell. Aisha asks what can we do about it? Zordon replies, there is only one solution to this problem. Two bouquets of roses appear on the control panel. Aisha and Billy walk over and pick up the roses. Zordon instructs Kimberly and Tommy to smell the roses. Symbols of love and friendship and they will counteract Rita's spell. Tommy tells Zordon he doesn't mean to be a jerk, but what....Kimberly makes a snide remark, having a hard time not doing that. This leads into another argument between Kimberly and Tommy. Aisha tells them to just do it for the team and passes her bouquet to Tommy. Billy gives his to Kimberly. Tommy tells Kimberly he is only doing this for the Rangers. Kimberly replies, me too. Kimberly and Tommy smell the roses and the spell is broken. Kimberly and Tommy feel instant remorse for the words they have said. Tommy apologizes to Kimberly. Kimberly apologizes as well. Kimberly confesses she said some pretty terrible things. Tommy tells Kimberly, I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that right? Kimberly does. The alarm goes off. The teens gather in front of the viewing globe. Zordon tells them that Rita has appeared in the park with Saba. The viewing globe shows Rita Repulsa dancing, along with Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo. Zordon warns the teens that Rita can now control the Tiger Zord. Tommy remarks they have to try and get Saba back. Billy tells his friends that Saba is made of metal. Maybe Alpha 5 can build a hand held electric magnet that is powerful enough to pull him out of Rita's hands. Alpha 5 is willing to try. Tommy tells his friends to go back in action. He will stay with Alpha 5. Pink Ranger, Black Ranger, Red Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Blue Ranger arrive. Rita is excited to see the Power Rangers arrive. Pink Ranger demands that Rita give Saba back. Rita gloats, finders keepers! She then sticks out her tongue at them. Red Ranger wonders what she's up to? Rita has waited a long time to say this, Tiger Zord Power! Tiger Zord arrives. Pink Ranger summons Firebird Thunderzord. The rest of the Rangers summon their Thunderzords and form Thunder Megazord. White Ranger arrives later, unseen. Tiger Zord lands a hard punch on Thunder Megazord. Thunder Megazord lands on the ground. Baboo, Squatt, Rita Repulsa, and Goldar cheer as they watch the battle. White Ranger spots them and walks up from behind them. He hides by a bush and tree. Baboo and Squatt are right in front of him. White Ranger hopes the electric magnet works. Rita tells Tiger Zord to finish them off. Thunder Megazord has gotten back up. Tiger Zord and Thunder Megazord continue to battle. It's a difficult battle. Red Ranger suggests they switch to auxiliary power. Tiger Zord lands several more punches on Thunder Megazord. The Rangers summon the power sword. Thunder Megazord and Tiger Zord battle each other with their swords. White Ranger leaps away from the tree and holds out the electric magnet. It works and pulls Saba out of Rita's hands and back to White Ranger. Tiger Zord steps so close to Squatt, Rita, Goldar, and Baboo that it almost steps on them. Rita vows you have not seen the last of me and then vanishes, along with Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt. White Ranger tells Saba, we did it! The next day, the student elections are being held at the Youth Center. A large crowd of students are there, including Billy, Rocky, Adam, and Aisha, to listen to the speeches. Mr. Caplan is there as well. Kimberly finishes her speech and Tommy is next. Instead of giving a speech on why he should be elected, he gives a speech on why the students should vote for Kimberly. She has really done her homework for this campaign. She has addressed all the tough issues and has some great ideas on how to solve problems at the school. She would make an incredible president. One that I will be proud to vote for. Kimberly is touch and flattered by Tommy's vote of confidence for her. Tommy leads the crowd into applauding for Kimberly. Skull enters with several instruments strapped on him. Skull announces the next president of Angel Grove High - Bulk. Bulk walks in. Skull is unaware of this as he turns to face the doorway and accidentally knocks Bulk aside with the drum strapped on his back. Skull screams for Bulk as the crowd chuckles. Bulk walks up to the podium for his speech. Bulk tells the crowd, once again, let me make my campaign platform perfectly clear. Everyone is a little distracted by Skull in the background, bumping into items and trying to make his way to the podium. Bulk continues, I will reveal the true identities of the Power Rangers. Skull finally reaches the podium as the crowd applauds for Bulk. Skull manages to knock Mr. Caplan and Bulk off the platform. Everyone laughs. After awhile, the election results are in. They are passed on to Mr. Caplan. Kimberly asks Tommy why he dropped out of the race. Tommy replies, that hearing her speech made me realize something, that winning or losing isn't important. Kimberly is glad that it's almost over. She gives Tommy a hug. Tommy tells Kimberly she is going to make the best school president. Mr. Caplan calls for everyone's attention. I have here the election results. And the new president of Angel Grove High School is......Kimberly Hart! Adam, Aisha, Rocky, Billy, and the rest of the crowd cheer, except for Bulk and Skull. Billy, Aisha, Rocky, and Adam walk up to Kimberly. Aisha tells Kimberly congratulations. Tommy gives Kimberly a flower and tells her, for Kimberly, the best person for the job. Kimberly is very flattered.
Angel Grove High School is having a book fair. Kimberly and Tommy are looking at books. Kimberly mentions how she loves fairy tales. I always wanted to be a princess and be rescued by a handsome prince on a white horse. Tommy asks or how about a white tiger? Kimberly replies, that will work. Kimberly and Tommy smile at each other. Kimberly gives a big gasp as she finds a book she really likes - "Grumble the Magic Elf". Kimberly starts flipping through the pages as she tells Tommy, my dad used to read me this book when I was a little girl. This brings back so many memories. Tommy decides Kimberly should have it and buys the book for her. Kimberly tells Tommy he is so sweet. Kimberly gives Tommy a kiss on the cheek. Kimberly and Tommy continue looking at more books. Tommy suggests they go and Kimberly walks with Tommy. Rocky spots them and shows them a book on mediation that will be good for the martial arts. Tommy asks if he can borrow it when Rocky is done with it. Miss Appleby walks up to them and asks if they are enjoying the book fair? Kimberly tells her they are. Miss Appleby is glad to hear it. Remember the more books we sell, the more the library benefits. Miss Appleby walks away. Rocky asks Kimberly and Tommy if they want to go to the Youth Center. Aisha and the guys are going to meet him there. Kimberly and Tommy agree and they all leave together.
The Wedding, Part I
The Wedding, Part III
Return Of The Green Ranger, Part I
Return Of The Green Ranger, Part II
Return Of The Green Ranger, Part III
Best Man For The Job
Storybook Rangers, Part I
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Young Kimberly - Page One
Young Kimberly - Page Two