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The Wizard of Deception continues to laugh.  Tommy quickly looks around, but no one is near.  The Wizard of Deception tells Tommy he has something very special planned for him.  Tommy uses his communicator and contacts Zordon and Alpha 5.  He tells them, he needs their help.  Several Zedd's Putties arrive and Tommy immediately starts battling them. Soon, Aisha, Kimberly, Billy, Adam, and Rocky arrive at the park.   Several of Zedd's Putties head their way.  Kimberly battles a few on her own.  Even throwing one into the fence.  Tommy is still battling his batch of Zedd's Putties.  Billy leaps into the fight and battles a couple of Zedd's Putties.  Rocky fights yet even more Zedd's Putties.  Aisha battles two Zedd's Putties on her own.  Tommy is grabbed by two of Zedd's Putties as the rest of his friends continue to battle the rest of Zedd's Putties.  Adam battles another batch of Zedd's Putties until he has defeated them.  Two of Zedd's Putties still have a hold of Tommy when the Wizard of Deception appears.  The Wizard of Deception uses his wand to knock Tommy out.  The Putties knock Tommy to the ground and hold him there.  Another of Zedd's Putties has a pair of scissors and cuts off a piece of Tommy's hair and gives it to the Wizard of Deception.  The Wizard of Deception laughs and vanishes.  The Wizard of Deception reappears in another area of Angel Grove.  He tosses the lock of Tommy's hair onto the ground.  The Wizard of Deception uses his wand and casts a spell on the lock of hair.  Soon another Tommy appears.  The Wizard of Deception welcomes him to his new reality.  From now on you're Tommy, keeper of the evil Green Ranger's powers.  You shall follow all of my commands.  Clone Tommy gets up and stands.  He tells the Wizard of Deception, he is here to serve him.  The Wizard of Deception tells him what he wants him to do.  Lord Zedd contacts the Wizard of Deception.  The Wizard of Deception tells him, to proceed with the plan, they need to make sure the rest of the Rangers are out of our way. 

 Return Of The Green Ranger, Part I














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