Page Four

White Ranger and Green Ranger leap through the air.  Green Ranger knocks White Ranger to the side.  White Ranger tells Green Ranger to give it up.  Your brand of evil will never win.  Green Ranger is exhausted, but not ready to give up.  Green Ranger replies, never!  You are the one who should be giving up.  White Ranger vows he will destroy him if it's the last thing he ever does. The Wizard of Deception is tired of this child's play and wants some real action.  The Wizard of Deception uses his wand to cast a spell on White Ranger.  White Ranger falls onto the grass and demorphs.  The Wizard of Deception walks over and places a foot on Tommy's back as he laughs.  The Wizard of Deception doesn't White Ranger is going to interfere with their plans.  Green Ranger walks over to the Wizard of Deception.  The Wizard of Deception tells him they need Dragonzord power for the destruction of the city.  But first he wants Green Ranger to pay a visit to his old friend, Zordon.  A power coin appears in the Wizard of Deception's hand and he passes it to Green Ranger.  The Wizard of Deception wants Zordon to know it was him behind the destruction of his precious Power Rangers.  Green Ranger replies, as you wish, master.  Green Ranger walks away.  The Wizard of Deception laughs - my revenge is sweet!  The Wizard of Deception vanishes.  After Green Ranger gives the message to Zordon, he returns to the park and stands beside the Wizard of Deception.  The Wizard of Deception tells him he has done well.  It is now time to begin the destruction.  I shall go back in time and keep the rest of the Rangers occupied.  The Wizard of Deception laughs and then vanishes.  In the past, Aisha had just become frighten over a trio of rats.  The Wizard of Deception suddenly appears on top of a building.  The Wizard of Deception tells them that's good to know.  Then you will especially enjoy what I have planned for you next.   The Wizard of Deception laughs.  Uncle Ben is prepared to fight, but Marissa pulls him back.  Rocky can't believe it - not you again!  The Wizard of Deception tells them he thought he would bring a bit of news from home.  The city is about to be destroyed.  Too bad you are not there to see it.  Adam tells him he will never get away with it.  The Wizard of Deception remarks, but I already have.  Now did someone say something about rats.  The Wizard of Deceptions casts a spell on the rats and now there are three human size rats.  Everyone becomes frighten.  Billy tells his friends, he thinks it's time.  Adam, Rocky, Aisha, Billy, and Kimberly prepare to morph, but nothing happens.  Kimberly notes it's not working.  Billy realizes that because they have been transported two hundred years before they met Zordon, they have no powers here.  Adam suggests they try and take them.  Billy thinks its too risky.  We don't know what they are capable of.  Kimberly runs over to Uncle Ben and Marissa.  Kimberly tells them to run and she runs with them.  Adam, Rocky, Aisha, and Billy also take off running. 

Return Of The Green Ranger, Part II













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