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The Wizard of Deception laughs as he watches them run.  You really think you can get away.  The Wizard of Deception blasts a small shed.  This startles Billy, Kimberly, Aisha, Adam, and Rocky, but they quickly continue to run.  The Wizard of Deception tells the rats I will leave you now to have some fun.  Do what you wish.  The three rats take off running. 

Lord Zedd contacts the Wizard of Deception.  The Wizard of Deception tells him all is well.  Green Ranger is about to start the destruction of Angel Grove.  Lord Zedd laughs.  Excellent!  First Angel Grove and then the world!  Rita joins in the laughter. Green Ranger continues to play his Dragon Dagger as Dragonzord emerges from beneath the ocean.  The Wizard of Deception is there as well.  The Wizard of Deception casts a spell on Dragonzord, making him evil.  Green Ranger tells Dragonzord, we are now united by the forces of evil. Tommy morphs and soon Dragonzord and White Tiger Zord are battling.  It is a difficult battle.  Soon, White Ranger is knocked out of Tiger Zord.  Saba calls out a warning to White Ranger.  The Wizard of Deception and Green Ranger  have arrived and face White Ranger.  The Wizard of Deception asks White Ranger if he is ready to surrender?  Green Ranger reminds him that only one Tommy can survive.  The Wizard of Deception asks him what will it be?  White Ranger replies he might surrender, if the Wizard could send him to the same place he had sent his friends.  Green Ranger is surprised.  You want to travel 200 hundred years back in time?  White Ranger is happy to get the information. White Ranger is ready to battle Green Ranger when Zordon contacts him.  White Ranger replies, I read you Zordon.  I hope you have good news.  Zordon tells him, yes Tommy.  We located the other Rangers.  Capture the wizard's magic wand and use it to transport back in time to rescue them.  White Ranger immediately kicks the wand out of the Wizard of Deception's hand.  The wand lands behind the Wizard of Deception.  White Ranger lands another kick on the Wizard of Deception, knocking him to the ground.  White Ranger races over to the wand, but so does Green Ranger.  Green Ranger yanks White Ranger's hand away.  White Ranger and Green Ranger face each other.  White Ranger leaps over Green Ranger and lands by the wand.  White Ranger grabs the wand.  White Ranger tells Green Ranger, you of all people, should never underestimate me.  White Ranger lets Zordon know that he's got the wand.  White Ranger uses the wand to teleport back in time.  White Ranger rescues his friends and quickly returns to present time with them.  The Wizard of Deception and Green Ranger are waiting.  White Ranger tells his friends to morph and shut down Dragonzord.  White Ranger will take care of Green Ranger and the Wizard of Deception.  Adam, Billy, Kimberly, Aisha, and Rocky morph.  They summon their Thunderzords and they soon arrive.  Thunder Megazord is formed.  Thunder Megazord faces down Dragonzord.  Back at the park, White Ranger faces down the Wizard of Deception and Green Ranger.  White Ranger tells them, it looks like the show is over wizard!  Your evil magic will be your downfall!  White Ranger uses the wand against the Wizard of Deception.  The Wizard of Deception is hit and destroyed.  White Ranger tells Green Ranger he is finally free from the wizard's evil spell.  Green Ranger feels like such a fool.  I can't believe I let him control me.  White Ranger tells him you control the Dragonzord.  You can stop it.  Green Ranger sends Dragonzord back to the sea.  Green Ranger and White Ranger go to the past to battle the giant rats running amok.  The giant rats are soon returned to normal and Green Ranger, Tom, decides to stay in the past.  White Ranger returns to present time.

Return Of The Green Ranger, Part II


Return Of The Green Ranger, Part III




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