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Lord Zedd remarks, that's easier said than done.  The Wizard of Deception reassures Lord Zedd that the Rangers are going far, very far indeed.  Lord Zedd is thrilled.  In Angel Grove, Clone Tommy uses his communicator to contact the Rangers and tells them to meet him at Angel Grove city limit's sign at the outskirts of town.  Soon the teens arrived but they are confused by "Tommy's" behavior.  Suddenly they all hear the sound of the Wizard of Deception laughing.  He is in a tree above them.  Adam is ready to morph, but Clone Tommy stops him.  Billy starts to question Clone Tommy.  Clone Tommy tells them, they are way too late.  Billy, Aisha, Kimberly, Rocky, and Adam realize something is wrong.  Kimberly pleads with Clone Tommy, no.  Clone Tommy simply smiles and  walks away as Kimberly asks him, what's going on?  Rocky replies, he's turning on us, that's what.  The Wizard of Deception uses his wand to cast another spell.  Rocky, Adam, Billy, Aisha, and Kimberly feel the effects of the spell and cling to the city limit's sign.   The teens are sent back to the late 1700s as Clone Tommy confronts Tommy in present time.

The two Tommys face each other.  The Wizard of Deception arrives and he is very pleased.  Tommy spots him and morphs.  Clone Tommy morphs as well.  The Wizard of Deception laughs as White Ranger and Green Ranger face each other.  White Ranger is confident that two of him cannot exist in the same place at the same time.  Green Ranger agrees.  Green Ranger tells him once he has beaten him, he will be happy to take his place.  The Wizard of Deception announces it's show time.  White Ranger and Green Ranger fight each other.  Sparks of white and green fly around as they fight.  White Ranger kicks Green Ranger to the ground, but Green Ranger quickly gets back up and the fight continues.  White Ranger goes for a leg sweep, but Green Ranger leaps out of the way.  Green Ranger lands by the Wizard of Deception and stands beside him.  The Wizard of Deception tells White Ranger that his tenacity surprises him.  White Ranger replies that is your first mistake.  Never underestimate the power of the human spirit. 

 Return Of The Green Ranger, Part I







Return Of The Green Ranger, Part II








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