A Star Is Born - Page Five

Yellow Ranger shouts out, great shot!  Now let's pull it together and show them what we got!  Dragonzord stands next to Tyrannosaurus.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed.  Red Ranger switches Tyrannosaurus to remote.  Red Ranger leaves Tyrannosaurus and leaps onto Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and enters the cockpit.  Goldar, Babe Ruthless, and Scorpina charge at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and Tyrannosaurus.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battles Scorpina and Goldar.  Tyrannosaurus battles Babe Ruthless. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode lands a punch on Scorpina and sends her flying.  Goldar races up and strikes Dragonzord in Fighting Mode with his sword.  Scorpina returns and battles Dragonzord in Fighting Mode with her weapon.  Babe Ruthless takes a flying leap towards Tyrannosaurus.  Babe Ruthless then joins Goldar and Scorpina.  Goldar and Scorpina combine their weapons and send a powerful blast towards Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Babe Ruthless bends his head and fires pink gas at them from the top of his baseball cap.  Blue Ranger tells Red Ranger, we need the shield.  The shield is powered up and appears.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode uses the shield to protect him and Tyrannosaurus from the pink gas.  Babe Ruthless tries another tactic.  He summons a giant red ball and throws it at Tyrannosaurus.  Tyrannosaurus uses his tail to hit the ball back at Babe Ruthless.  The ball hits Babe Ruthless in the chest.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode powers up it's drill.  Babe Ruthless charges at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode uses the drill and destroys Babe Ruthless.  Goldar is back at the Moon Palace and he is furious.  He shouts out, you think you have won the first battle, but the worst is yet to come!  Zordon contacts the Rangers, and Red Ranger responds, yes Zordon.  Zordon informs them that Scorpina is back in Angel Grove.  Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, she's probably back in human form!  Red Ranger tells his team, let's go get her!  The five Power Rangers leap out of Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  They face down Scorpina.  Red Ranger pulls out his Blade Blaster.  Scorpina's Pet Worm arrives and grows to giant size.  Scorpina tells her pet to trap them and you better make the cocoon strong.  The five Rangers become alarmed.  Pink Ranger points out if he traps us again, we may never come out.














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