A Star Is Born - Page Four
Alpha 5 is watching the viewing globe and becomes very excited. He tells Zordon, they're breaking through the cocoon! Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to teleport them to their zords as soon as they escape.
The Rangers continue to blast their way out of the cocoon and then they teleport out.
Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to warn the Rangers that Goldar has sent down Babe Ruthless, the baseball monster.
The Rangers immediately leap into their zords. Babe Ruthless is already giant size. Goldar is there and he grows to giant size. Scorpina goes into her monster form and is also giant size. Babe Ruthless tells them, play ball! Tyrannosaurus Dinozord battles Scorpina and Goldar. Scorpina strikes Tyrannosaurus with her weapon. Goldar quickly strikes Tyrannosaurus with his weapon. Babe Ruthless shouts out, batter up! Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord fires it's lasers at Babe Ruthless. Babe Ruthless is hit. Angry, Babe Ruthless shouts, try my curve ball! The blast hits Sabretooth Tiger, Mastodon, and Triceratops. Black Ranger informs the rest of the Rangers, they have Red Ranger pinned down. They got to do something. Blue Ranger suggests they come in from either side and draw him away from Red Ranger. Babe Ruthless gloats, his pitches are like lightening. All in his path shall be punished. Red Ranger tells his team, they have to take him down. Red Ranger instructs them to power up their weapons and give it all they got. Sabretooth Tiger fires it's weapons once more. The blast hits Goldar and Scorpina, knocking them off their feet. Babe Ruthless steps in front of them, as Goldar and Scorpina get back up. Blue Ranger is excited, alright! Way to go! Black Ranger adds, that was awesome! At the high school, Tommy walks out of the classroom in high spirits. Tommy hears his communicator and hurries over to his gym bag. Tommy opens the bag, takes a quick look around, and pulls out his communicator. Tommy asks Zordon, what's happening? Zordon tells Tommy, the Rangers need your help. They are at the industrial complex, in downtown Angel Grove. Hurry! Tommy responds, he's on it. Tommy morphs and teleports to the battle. Green Ranger arrives at the industrial complex and immediately summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger. Red Ranger is happy to see Green Ranger has arrived. Dragonzord arrives at the battle and starts firing at Goldar and Scorpina, knocking them off their feet and freeing Tyrannosaurus.