A Star Is Born - Page Two
Goldar has been watching the teens at the beach. He laughs. Goldar is convinced that the Rangers have let their guard down and he can take them by surprise.
One of the halls of Angel Grove High School is full of teens practicing martial arts, as they wait for their turn to audition. Bulk walks towards Tommy, who is stretching. Skull stops at a table to sign for Bulk. Bulk tells Tommy the part's mine. Tommy turns his head to look at Bulk as Bulk tells Tommy he might as well go home. Skull is walking up and he overhears Bulk. Skull starts laughing and slaps Bulk on the shoulder. Bulk screams out in pain. Tommy grins as he goes back to stretching. Bulk yells at Skull, don't touch my sunburn, you dimwit! A lady steps out of the classroom and calls out next. Bulk and Skull walk towards the classroom. The lady takes a look at Skull and tells him not you. She also asks Bulk to remove his sunglasses. Bulk reluctantly removes his sunglasses. The lady instructs Bulk to come inside. At the end of the classroom is a table set up with two people there to judge the audition. There is also a camera man. The lady sits down as Bulk walks towards the table. The lady tells Bulk, let's see what you can do. Bulk is eager to show off his "martial arts" skills. Another lady cues the music as Bulk goes through his routine. Bulk does several karate punches through the air. Bulk slams his fist several times against the table. He takes a pile of papers and tosses them into the air. Bulk then karate punches the falling paper. He takes a flying leap and hits a chair with his foot, hurting his foot in the process. Bulk tries to cover up that he is in pain by smiling at the people at the table. The lady tells Bulk that was great. I think we got our man. Bulk is very happy as he limps out of the classroom. Out in the hall, Tommy is watching the other teens practice as, once more, Bulk walks up to Tommy. Bulk tells Tommy to kiss Hollywood goodbye. I'm their man! Tommy doesn't say anything. Skull has joined them and he is laughing. Skull almost slaps Bulk on his shoulder, but quickly stops himself as Bulk glares at him. Bulk sticks out his tongue at Tommy. Bulk and Skull walk away. Tommy watches them go.
Kimberly, Billy, Zack, Trini, and Jason are having a game of volleyball. Trini hits the ball out of bounds and goes after it. Trini becomes very frighten when she sees Scorpina. Scorpina immediately has the Putties attack. Kimberly, Billy, Jason, Trini, and Zack morph. Red Ranger battles several Putties. Yellow Ranger battles a couple of Putties. Blue Ranger battles a couple of Putties. Black Ranger battles several Putties as well. Red Ranger defeats his batch of Putties and starts battling Scorpina. Scorpina strikes Red Ranger with her weapon. Red Ranger is hit, lands on the beach, and rolls away. The rest of the Rangers gather around Red Ranger. Red Ranger gets up and they all face Scorpina. She tells them, now meet my pet worm. An ugly looking worm appears and starts spraying the Rangers with strings.