Doomsday, Part I - Page Five

Cyclopsis fires at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Goldar gloats, it's almost too easy. Cyclopsis fires at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode again, knocking it to the ground.  Cyclopsis walks over and stomps his foot onto Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  At the Moon Palace, Rita shouts, smash them!  In down town Angel Grove, Cyclopsis kicks Dragonzord in Fighting Mode hard enough to cause him to roll over.  Goldar laughs.  Cyclopsis then ejects it's wrists.   They attached themselves to Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and Tyrannosaurus and lifts them up into the air.  Cyclopsis releases them and they both fall to the ground. Watching from her balcony, Rita states, I hate those guys.  Goldar is confident he can take the Rangers out.  Titanus arrives and fires at Cyclopsis.  Cyclopsis releases Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and Tyrannosaurus.  Titanus continues to fire at Cyclopsis.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode quickly gets back up.  Red Ranger announces all systems are back online.  Ultrazord is formed.  Ultrazord fires at Cyclopsis.  Goldar is upset as Cyclopsis is damaged.  Goldar teleports out.  Cyclopsis falls to the ground, and his head comes off and goes flying through the air and lands on the ground.  The Rangers are thrilled.  Rita is furious.  She uses her wand to blast Titanus.  The ground beneath Titanus opens up and Titanus struggles as it sinks.  Rita laughs.  Titanus cries out as it struggles to stay above ground.  Megadragonzord walks over, gets a hold of Titanus' neck, and tries to pull it up.














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