Doomsday, Part I - Page Two
Skull gives a small wave as Bulk talks to the crowd. He welcomes them to this historic day when the city's two most dynamic and incredible super heroes to ever walk the Earth, decided to move to this fair city and protect it. Bulk introduces himself as The Incredible Bulkster. Skull introduces himself as Super Skull, Boy Wonderful. The crowd is very amused, including the teens. A young boy shouts out to them to show some of their super powers. Bulk and Skull do several super heroes poses. Skull starts to get tangle up in his cape. The crowd laughs. Zack laughs as well, telling his friends, this is classic.
Goldar and Rita are watching the park. Goldar tells Rita at her command, all of Angel Grove will be beamed into another dimension. Rita tells him to do it now and laughs. Goldar states, goodbye sniveling citizens!
The crowd is laughing at Bulk and Skull's super heroes poses. Suddenly Bulk and Skull vanish. The crowd is stunned into silence and then several more people vanish. Zack wonders where they went? It continues until the only people remaining are Billy, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Trini. Jason wants to know what's going on? Kimberly asks, where has everyone gone? Trini notes the whole park is empty. Jason contacts the Command Center, stating they have an emergency.
Zordon responds that he is already picking it up. An dimensional vortex beam, emitting from the moon, appears to have enveloped everyone in Angel Grove.
Kimberly concludes it must be Rita.
Alpha 5 is working on the computers when he announces, he's got something. Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to lock the scanner on the dimensional beam and track it's coordinates carefully. Look towards any movement towards Earth. Alpha 5 looks at the viewing globe. Alpha 5 asks, how can the moon move? Zordon replies, the moon cannot, but Rita's palace can.
The teens scan the park as Zordon informs them, if she brings it to Earth, as I fear she may, it will greatly increase her powers.
Rita announces it's time to travel everyone. Squatt asks if he should pack a bathing suit? Goldar announces in order to power his zord, the palace must be close to it. The rooms start to shake as the Moon Palace travels down to Angel Grove. Rita, Goldar, Scorpina, Finster, Baboo, and Squatt have gather in one of the rooms. Rita announces that why we're traveling to Earth. Goldar vows, he will destroy the Power Rangers once and for all. Squatt looks through the telescope and announces they are right on target.