Doomsday, Part I - Page Four

Cyclopsis charges towards Megazord.  Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, they have to match Cyclopsis move per move.  Cyclopsis lands the first blow.  Cyclopsis kicks and punches Megazord.  Cyclopsis is relentless.

Baboo, Squatt, and Scorpina have gathered on the balcony with Rita.  Rita laughs as she watches the battle.

Goldar laughs in Cyclopsis as he lands punch after punch on Megazord.  Cyclopsis revealed his weapons underneath his armor and fired them at Megazord.  Megazord fell to the ground.  Cyclopsis fired it's laser beams at the buildings around them.  Pink Ranger tells Red Ranger, they got to get up.  They can't let him trash the whole city.  Red Ranger replies, he's trying.  Cyclopsis is too powerful.  I'll try and get the controls to respond.  Megazord manages to get back up.  Megazord and Cyclopsis battle.  Cyclopsis shoots lasers out of it's eyes and it hits Megazord.  Black Ranger tells Red Ranger, we need help.  Red Ranger uses the Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord.  Dragonzord arrives and fires it's missiles at Cyclopsis.  Dragonzord stands beside Megazord and they face down Cyclopsis.  Dragonzord and Cyclopsis battle.  Megazord charges towards Cyclopsis.  Goldar announces it's time to feel the power of Cyclopsis.  Cyclopsis used it's power to lift Megazord up into the air.  Cyclopsis swung Megazord around and then dropped it to the ground.  Megazord landed at Dragonzord's feet.  Megazord got back up.  Red Ranger gave the command to switch to Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and Tyrannosaurus faced down Cyclopsis.  Cyclopsis fired at Tyrannosaurus and knocked it to the ground.














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