Happy Birthday, Zack - Page Five

The Power Sword is sent, but it is soon fried by Nasty Knight.  Nasty Knight then knocks the Megazord to the ground and begins stomping on it.  Rita tells Nasty Knight great footwork and instructs him on how to finish off the Rangers.  Black Ranger tells the others he realizes what Nasty Knight is doing.  Nasty Knight is reflecting their weapons' energy back at them.  That's how their weapons are getting fired.  Red Ranger asks him what they should do.  Black Ranger suggests reflecting Nasty Knight's energy back at him, with a little extra does from them.  The Megazord reflects Nasty Knight's energy back at him.  Nasty Knight is surprise when the Megazord gets back on it's feet.  The Megazord uses it's Power Sword to destroy Nasty Knight.  Rita is furious as she teleports out.

At the Moon Palace, Rita is furious.  Goldar, Finster, Baboo, and Squatt are there as Rita rants at them.  Rita yells at Goldar that the next time she says get them - get them!  Rita yells at Finster that he makes lousy monsters.  Rita yells at Baboo and Squatt that they were bumbling numbskulls.  Rita yells what is she going to do with these nitwits?! 

Kimberly, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Zack head over to the Youth Center.  Zack is puzzled to find the place is dark and wonders where Ernie is.  The lights flicker on and the crowd, including Ernie, yell Happy Birthday Zack.  Zack is totally blown away.  Jason states that he thought they had forgotten.  Zack admits that he had been bumming.  Zack gives his friends a hug.  Zack then hears a strange sound.  It's the cake-o-matic.  Ernie races over, muttering he thought it was fixed.














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