Happy Birthday, Zack - Page Four

Zordon contacts Jason to let him know what is going on.  Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to teleport Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason to where Black Ranger is.  Alpha 5 mutters that Rita really fires his circuit boards.  The four teens morphed and are teleported to the battle.  The four Rangers race to the aid of Black Ranger.  The Rangers battle Nasty Knight with their Power Weapons.  The Rangers are stunned when their Power Sword, Power Dagger, Power Box, and Power Lance are burnt.  Nasty Knight continues to fire at them.  Red Ranger suggests they use their Blade Blasters.  The Rangers do so, but the Blade Blasters become burnt as well.  Rita is very happy and makes Nasty Knight giant size.  The Rangers summon their zords and form the Megazord.  The Rangers battle Nasty Knight and he is a powerful opponent.  Red Ranger asks Zordon to send the Megazord's Power Sword.














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