I, Eye Guy - Page Three
Billy walked up to Bulk and asked him what he was doing here - after all an IQ is required. Bulk made a fist and replied that this was all the IQ he needed. Skull repeated it. Jason and Zack walked up laughing. Jason told Bulk all he needed was a club, he would make a perfect caveman. Bulk became furious. Jason and Bulk fought as Zack and Skull fought. During the fight, Bulk & Skull were tossed onto a flat bed cart. Trini told them that the girl next to the fashion matic needed some people to test our her product. Trini and Kimberly waved over at Billy and Willy, who were pushing the cart. They wheeled it over into the fashion matic and tossed Bulk & Skull in. The doors on the fashion matic shut. Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Willy laughed as they waited. Zack was positive this would teach them a lesson. When the doors opened, Bulk & Skull were dressed as girls. Bulk & Skull screamed and raced out of the science fair. Everyone laughed. The judge/professor noted the commotion and he was not happy as he walked over to the group. The judge/professor told Willy that all his antics was a distraction to the other competitors and he was now disqualified. Billy told him it wasn't Willy's fault, but the judge/professor's word was final. Willy was very upset and left the science fair, despite Trini asking him not to go. Billy understand how Willy felt and was going after him. Jason and Zack joined Billy as the three guys walked out. In the park, Baboo and Eye Guy stay hidden. Baboo warns Eye Guy not to screw up. Willy is sitting by the lake. Willy is very upset over his very best invention being disqualified. Eye Guy sees out his main eye to Willy. Willy asks Eye Guy what he wants with him. Eye Guy tells Willy he is taking him to where his intelligence will be appreciated.